Page MenuHomeovasilevaJul 19 2024, 1:05 PM
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  • We would like to brainstorm various ways to test the UI of adding recommendations to the empty state of search with readers across a set of languages

User story

  • As a product team, we want to know whether adding recommendations into search will benefit users so that we know whether to invest our time into this idea


  • Brainstorm at least three ways of testing the UI for adding recommendations and receiving user feedback
    • User feedback must be receivable by readers
    • Experiment must take roughly 1 week to set up and roughly 1 week to run (1 sprint total)
    • Nice to have - a group large enough to test on as to render the results statistically significant
    • Nice to have - the ability to compare the results to similar results from features such as related pages
    • Nice to have - the ability to measure external referrals for the pages of the test

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