Update - New button:
Original task:
Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
Currently both VisualEditor and new wikitext editor (2017) have a button that, on pressing Ctrl+Shift+6, inserts <code> syntax into the editor. I feel like this sort of thing would also be very useful to have in WikiEditor as well, so I would like to implement it based on VE’s implementation. (Ideally, we should some day achieve feature parity between existing editors, but that’s a long way to go and would probably require rewriting WikiEditor away from jQuery dependency.)
Convenient-Discussions user script also implements this button already, where it outputs <code><nowiki>. But since <nowiki> is already possible to insert via Ctrl+\ shortcut, I feel like the better way to implement this would be to do it like in VE: just <code> with no additives unless user wants them.
Should be fairly straightforward to implement based on the existing code. Keyboard shortcut is probably harder to do but it’s not required to solve this and can be handled further in T380087: WikiEditor: Provide all useful shortcuts from visual editor.
DetailsSubject Repo Branch Lines +/- Customize query in gerritRelated ObjectsEvent Timeline
Comment ActionsBut since <nowiki> is already possible to insert via Ctrl+\ shortcut
Though this is a bit off-topic, thinking about it, it would be good to change WikiEditor to not remove the selection from the text after insertion where that’s possible (for example, only for single-line selections). That would be in many cases a QOL improvement for end-users, since it would allow to chain button presses, and would match NWE2017 as well. @SD0001, what do you think about that sort of thing if you don’t mind me asking?
Comment ActionsChange #1113552 had a related patch set uploaded (by Saint Johann; author: Saint Johann):
[mediawiki/extensions/WikiEditor@master] Add Code button to insert <code>
Comment ActionsChange #1113552 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/WikiEditor@master] Add Code button to insert <code>
Comment ActionsConfirmed as working at en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org, added to Tech News, so resolving.
Subject | Repo | Branch | Lines +/- | |
Customize query in gerrit
Related Objects Event TimelineComment Actions
Though this is a bit off-topic, thinking about it, it would be good to change WikiEditor to not remove the selection from the text after insertion where that’s possible (for example, only for single-line selections). That would be in many cases a QOL improvement for end-users, since it would allow to chain button presses, and would match NWE2017 as well. @SD0001, what do you think about that sort of thing if you don’t mind me asking? Comment Actions Change #1113552 had a related patch set uploaded (by Saint Johann; author: Saint Johann): [mediawiki/extensions/WikiEditor@master] Add Code button to insert <code> Comment Actions Change #1113552 merged by jenkins-bot: [mediawiki/extensions/WikiEditor@master] Add Code button to insert <code> Comment Actions Confirmed as working at en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org, added to Tech News, so resolving. |