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"Love" token, awarded by Trizek-WMF.


Our traditional editor toolbars have buttons to insert a [[File:Foo.png]] or similar, but not that would help you with the actual editing process.

A button that launches the UploadWizard -- possibly uploading to Commons -- and ends with inserting the image(s) into the article would be a big leap forward.

User journey:

  1. User clicks on "insert media"
  2. In the dialog, user clicks on "upload new"

… or 'User drags a file into the editor', see T40031

  1. Dialog is launched

  1. User confirms that the media file is theirs, and accepts that it will thus be under the default licence (CC-BY-SA-3.0); file starts uploading with a progress bar (indeterminate for now)

… or user is directed to Special:Upload if local uploads are available.

"To upload a file which cannot be freely re-used, please use the __restricted form__."

… or user is directed to Special:UploadWizard on Commons.

"To upload a file created by someone else, or under a different licence, please use the __advanced form__."

  1. User enters a title.

  1. User enters a description (default in the user's interface language, with a control to set the language to something else).

  1. User optionally over-rides the date of creation from 'today'.

  1. User optionally enters (Commons) categories.

  1. User clicks "Publish and Insert", and file is un-gated on the stash and published on Commons, and inserted locally as a thumb|right (or |left on RTL) at default size with the description as the caption (if the description is in the content language).

… or user clicks "Cancel Publishing" and the file is left in the stash for garbage collection, never published.

  1. Done.


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