Page MenuHomematmarexJul 20 2013, 10:42 AM
Referenced Files


TemplateData for [[pl:Template:Związek chemiczny infobox]] is not shown in VE. No idea why. The prop is visible on [[pl:Special:PagesWithProp]], so this must be a VE bug.

Version: master
Severity: major
See Also:

  • Bug 51671 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

In the background is the following response from the server:

{"servedby":"mw1205","error":{"code":"templatedata-corrupt","info":"Page #837180 templatedata contains invalid data:Syntax error in JSON."}}

It is registered

This looks like the syntax error:

That diff needs to be approved, and check the update appears at:

(If that doesnt work, Maybe '?' is not allowed? *shrug*)

I notice that the PagesWithProps listing ends at:

je\u015bli podano warto\u015b\u0107 w parametrze \u201e3. napi\u0119cie powierzchniowe\u201d)."},"type"

Maybe the property has a buffer limit.

I have remove many parameters, and that appears to have fixed the problem …nice catch.

TemplateData is using the page_props table, whose pp_value field is a
'blob', which is limited to 65535 bytes [1]. Of course MySQL, being
MySQL, doesn't complain and just silently truncates the data on

I see three ways to do something about this:

  • If over 65535 bytes, show a big fat red error to the user instead of silently failing.
  • Store compressed data. JSON compresses well due to the redundancy in object keys and due to being mostly text in this case. This would probably raise the effective maximal length a few times and should be easy to implement.
  • If over 65535 bytes, chunk the data in multiple properties 'templatedata1', 'templatedata2' etc., with some marker stored in regular 'templatedata'. Handle this transparently in the API. Nasty, but would work.

Adjusting bug summary and component accordingly.


I chatted briefly with Krinkle and I'll try to implement solution #1 and #2.

I have no preference on #4, but it would be a large-ish architectural change now and would probably require migrating all of the templatedatas already added on wikis to the new format (or supporting both ways).

(In reply to comment #7)

Option 4: store the JSON in a dedicated wikipage, and fiddle with
TemplateData so it supports it.

This is what I suggested on bug 50512 (to solve another problem).

Change 75324 had a related patch set uploaded by Matmarex:
Bail when JSON length exceeds database limits

Change 75330 had a related patch set uploaded by Matmarex:
Store compressed JSON since size is limited

I tested the patches above with [[pl:Template:Związek chemiczny infobox]]: size of raw processed JSON is ~112 kB, size of compressed JSON is ~7.5 kB. Looks good enough for practical use.

Change 75324 merged by jenkins-bot:
Bail when JSON length exceeds database limits

This problem can occur with templates with a large number of numbered fields
Just a raw skeleton without descriptions for
take 174,407 bytes, as it has very many numbered fields vicepresident2 ... vicepresident14 etc. Fixing bug 52582 allowing autonumbered parameters might solve problems when this occurs.