User Details- User Since
- Oct 27 2014, 6:03 PM (543 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
- IRC Nick
- edsanders
- LDAP User
- Esanders created T390288: Reflists of template-generated references show as interactive but aren't.
Esanders updated the task description for T388605: [Config] Deploy "+" menu (and new tools) to Phase 2 wikis.Esanders moved T387501: Remove "Insert Graph" from VE for now from Incoming to Ready to Be Worked On on the Editing-team (Kanban Board) board.Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.Note that PatchDemo also assigns a meta-status of dnm to any patch that has "DNM" or "DO NOT MERGE" in the subject. For the purposes of deleting wikis these patches can be assumed to be merged/abandoned.
Esanders added a comment to T389724: Allow to define a custom DiscussionTools empty state image path.If you need a slightly hacky approach, you can replace the image with CSS, by setting the width of the image to 0, and replace with padding with a background image:
img.ext-discussiontools-emptystate-logo {
display: block;
width: 0;
padding-left: 250px;
background: url( yourimage ) center no-repeat;
Thu, Mar 20Mon, Mar 17Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.No, and we've not had complaints.
Esanders added a comment to T388581: [User research] Environment updates: how should this work.Sat, Mar 15IKhitron awarded T388722: Error: No class registered by that key: null a Burninate token.Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.Esanders added a comment to T388677: Opening search bar in Vector 2022 narrow causes vertical jump.It appears the height jump is caused by the mw-logo being hidden.
Esanders added a comment to T388581: [User research] Environment updates: how should this work.Copy is the best alternative we have at the moment to update, but is sub-optimal because:
- You may have setup custom content on your wiki, this will need to be exported and imported
- You may have already shared the link with colleagues, these will need to be updated
- You usually want to delete the old wiki after creating the updated one.
- Each time you create and delete a wiki you get a PatchDemoBot post on linked tasks. Having to scroll through them all to find the latest non-deleted wiki is problematic.
Tue, Mar 11I was notified about a wiki that only contains a [DNM] patch:
Esanders raised the priority of T379428: [regression] VE mobile menu items unexpectedly bold from Low to Medium.This was a task affecting the editing experience and we communicated the priority when filing the task. Not sure why it was lowered?
Esanders added a comment to T344927: External link annotation is split into multiple in a visual diff.Rougly what is happening here:
- The differ works by bisecting the text and comparing smaller fragments
- Sometimes we are comparing linked letters from the old revision with linked letters from the new revision which are equal for the purposes of the diff (characters are equal, and the links have the same target)
- Because of this we have mixture of the link annotation from the old doc and the new doc. While the links are comparable, they have different originalDomElements, so when we re-render them we break up the link at these points, as a valid use case in Parsoid would be to preserve the user typing in adjacent-but-equal links.
Esanders triaged T363024: VisualDiff crashes on pages with complex/manual HTML changes as Low priority.The issue is the following bit of inavlid HTML, where a text node ("The options for...") is placed directly under a <ul>:
<ul>The options for traditional BSN plan of study are:
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Four (4) semester Program of Study: please see attachment A </li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Six (6) semester Program of Study: please see attachment B</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The accelerated BSN plan of study: please see attachment C</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The RN-BSN plan of study: please see attachment D.</li>
Esanders added a comment to T388046: Can't create any wikis on PatchDemo.The above log mentions QuickInstantCommons, but even if I turn that off I get:
Esanders added a comment to T268631: Arabic and Waw letter و becomes part of link suffix but it should not (and it seems to not be part of $linkTrail).Tue, Mar 4Esanders added a comment to T381537: Raise Grade A JavaScript requirement from ES2016 (ES7) to ES2017 (ES8).Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.For wkkis with tasks attached I would also wait for the task to be marked as resolved as well. A typical workflow for our team might involve:
- Create a wiki with patches, and maybe some test data
- Patches gets reviewed and merged
- QA reviews, and also may need PatchDemo wiki for reviewing (along side other environments, e.g. beta cluster).
- Patch is deployed, marked as resolved. Only at this point can the wiki be deleted.
Esanders added a comment to T387657: "not logged in" warning should be most important.Note this is the same order as in the source editor:
From T355555 there will soon be a ve.newTarget hook.
Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.The code comment describes the behaviour requested, so this is just an implementation error:
/ The circle should only appear if there are unseen notifications.
Feb 25 2025Esanders added a comment to T379102: [MILESTONE] Offer Usability Improvements as default-on feature at Phase 3 wikis (desktop).Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
- User Since
- Oct 27 2014, 6:03 PM (543 w, 4 d)
- Availability
- Available
- IRC Nick
- edsanders
- LDAP User
- Esanders created T390288: Reflists of template-generated references show as interactive but aren't.
Note that PatchDemo also assigns a meta-status of dnm to any patch that has "DNM" or "DO NOT MERGE" in the subject. For the purposes of deleting wikis these patches can be assumed to be merged/abandoned.
If you need a slightly hacky approach, you can replace the image with CSS, by setting the width of the image to 0, and replace with padding with a background image:
img.ext-discussiontools-emptystate-logo { display: block; width: 0; padding-left: 250px; background: url( yourimage ) center no-repeat; }
Thu, Mar 20Mon, Mar 17Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.No, and we've not had complaints.
Esanders added a comment to T388581: [User research] Environment updates: how should this work.Sat, Mar 15IKhitron awarded T388722: Error: No class registered by that key: null a Burninate token.Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.Esanders added a comment to T388677: Opening search bar in Vector 2022 narrow causes vertical jump.It appears the height jump is caused by the mw-logo being hidden.
Esanders added a comment to T388581: [User research] Environment updates: how should this work.Copy is the best alternative we have at the moment to update, but is sub-optimal because:
- You may have setup custom content on your wiki, this will need to be exported and imported
- You may have already shared the link with colleagues, these will need to be updated
- You usually want to delete the old wiki after creating the updated one.
- Each time you create and delete a wiki you get a PatchDemoBot post on linked tasks. Having to scroll through them all to find the latest non-deleted wiki is problematic.
Tue, Mar 11I was notified about a wiki that only contains a [DNM] patch:
Esanders raised the priority of T379428: [regression] VE mobile menu items unexpectedly bold from Low to Medium.This was a task affecting the editing experience and we communicated the priority when filing the task. Not sure why it was lowered?
Esanders added a comment to T344927: External link annotation is split into multiple in a visual diff.Rougly what is happening here:
- The differ works by bisecting the text and comparing smaller fragments
- Sometimes we are comparing linked letters from the old revision with linked letters from the new revision which are equal for the purposes of the diff (characters are equal, and the links have the same target)
- Because of this we have mixture of the link annotation from the old doc and the new doc. While the links are comparable, they have different originalDomElements, so when we re-render them we break up the link at these points, as a valid use case in Parsoid would be to preserve the user typing in adjacent-but-equal links.
Esanders triaged T363024: VisualDiff crashes on pages with complex/manual HTML changes as Low priority.The issue is the following bit of inavlid HTML, where a text node ("The options for...") is placed directly under a <ul>:
<ul>The options for traditional BSN plan of study are:
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Four (4) semester Program of Study: please see attachment A </li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Six (6) semester Program of Study: please see attachment B</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The accelerated BSN plan of study: please see attachment C</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The RN-BSN plan of study: please see attachment D.</li>
Esanders added a comment to T388046: Can't create any wikis on PatchDemo.The above log mentions QuickInstantCommons, but even if I turn that off I get:
Esanders added a comment to T268631: Arabic and Waw letter و becomes part of link suffix but it should not (and it seems to not be part of $linkTrail).Tue, Mar 4Esanders added a comment to T381537: Raise Grade A JavaScript requirement from ES2016 (ES7) to ES2017 (ES8).Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.For wkkis with tasks attached I would also wait for the task to be marked as resolved as well. A typical workflow for our team might involve:
- Create a wiki with patches, and maybe some test data
- Patches gets reviewed and merged
- QA reviews, and also may need PatchDemo wiki for reviewing (along side other environments, e.g. beta cluster).
- Patch is deployed, marked as resolved. Only at this point can the wiki be deleted.
Esanders added a comment to T387657: "not logged in" warning should be most important.Note this is the same order as in the source editor:
From T355555 there will soon be a ve.newTarget hook.
Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.The code comment describes the behaviour requested, so this is just an implementation error:
/ The circle should only appear if there are unseen notifications.
Feb 25 2025Esanders added a comment to T379102: [MILESTONE] Offer Usability Improvements as default-on feature at Phase 3 wikis (desktop).Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
Mon, Mar 17Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.No, and we've not had complaints.
Esanders added a comment to T388581: [User research] Environment updates: how should this work.Sat, Mar 15IKhitron awarded T388722: Error: No class registered by that key: null a Burninate token.Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.Esanders added a comment to T388677: Opening search bar in Vector 2022 narrow causes vertical jump.It appears the height jump is caused by the mw-logo being hidden.
Esanders added a comment to T388581: [User research] Environment updates: how should this work.Copy is the best alternative we have at the moment to update, but is sub-optimal because:
- You may have setup custom content on your wiki, this will need to be exported and imported
- You may have already shared the link with colleagues, these will need to be updated
- You usually want to delete the old wiki after creating the updated one.
- Each time you create and delete a wiki you get a PatchDemoBot post on linked tasks. Having to scroll through them all to find the latest non-deleted wiki is problematic.
Tue, Mar 11I was notified about a wiki that only contains a [DNM] patch:
Esanders raised the priority of T379428: [regression] VE mobile menu items unexpectedly bold from Low to Medium.This was a task affecting the editing experience and we communicated the priority when filing the task. Not sure why it was lowered?
Esanders added a comment to T344927: External link annotation is split into multiple in a visual diff.Rougly what is happening here:
- The differ works by bisecting the text and comparing smaller fragments
- Sometimes we are comparing linked letters from the old revision with linked letters from the new revision which are equal for the purposes of the diff (characters are equal, and the links have the same target)
- Because of this we have mixture of the link annotation from the old doc and the new doc. While the links are comparable, they have different originalDomElements, so when we re-render them we break up the link at these points, as a valid use case in Parsoid would be to preserve the user typing in adjacent-but-equal links.
Esanders triaged T363024: VisualDiff crashes on pages with complex/manual HTML changes as Low priority.The issue is the following bit of inavlid HTML, where a text node ("The options for...") is placed directly under a <ul>:
<ul>The options for traditional BSN plan of study are:
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Four (4) semester Program of Study: please see attachment A </li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Six (6) semester Program of Study: please see attachment B</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The accelerated BSN plan of study: please see attachment C</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The RN-BSN plan of study: please see attachment D.</li>
Esanders added a comment to T388046: Can't create any wikis on PatchDemo.The above log mentions QuickInstantCommons, but even if I turn that off I get:
Esanders added a comment to T268631: Arabic and Waw letter و becomes part of link suffix but it should not (and it seems to not be part of $linkTrail).Tue, Mar 4Esanders added a comment to T381537: Raise Grade A JavaScript requirement from ES2016 (ES7) to ES2017 (ES8).Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.For wkkis with tasks attached I would also wait for the task to be marked as resolved as well. A typical workflow for our team might involve:
- Create a wiki with patches, and maybe some test data
- Patches gets reviewed and merged
- QA reviews, and also may need PatchDemo wiki for reviewing (along side other environments, e.g. beta cluster).
- Patch is deployed, marked as resolved. Only at this point can the wiki be deleted.
Esanders added a comment to T387657: "not logged in" warning should be most important.Note this is the same order as in the source editor:
From T355555 there will soon be a ve.newTarget hook.
Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.The code comment describes the behaviour requested, so this is just an implementation error:
/ The circle should only appear if there are unseen notifications.
Feb 25 2025Esanders added a comment to T379102: [MILESTONE] Offer Usability Improvements as default-on feature at Phase 3 wikis (desktop).Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
No, and we've not had complaints.
Sat, Mar 15IKhitron awarded T388722: Error: No class registered by that key: null a Burninate token.Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.Esanders added a comment to T388677: Opening search bar in Vector 2022 narrow causes vertical jump.It appears the height jump is caused by the mw-logo being hidden.
Esanders added a comment to T388581: [User research] Environment updates: how should this work.Copy is the best alternative we have at the moment to update, but is sub-optimal because:
- You may have setup custom content on your wiki, this will need to be exported and imported
- You may have already shared the link with colleagues, these will need to be updated
- You usually want to delete the old wiki after creating the updated one.
- Each time you create and delete a wiki you get a PatchDemoBot post on linked tasks. Having to scroll through them all to find the latest non-deleted wiki is problematic.
Tue, Mar 11I was notified about a wiki that only contains a [DNM] patch:
Esanders raised the priority of T379428: [regression] VE mobile menu items unexpectedly bold from Low to Medium.This was a task affecting the editing experience and we communicated the priority when filing the task. Not sure why it was lowered?
Esanders added a comment to T344927: External link annotation is split into multiple in a visual diff.Rougly what is happening here:
- The differ works by bisecting the text and comparing smaller fragments
- Sometimes we are comparing linked letters from the old revision with linked letters from the new revision which are equal for the purposes of the diff (characters are equal, and the links have the same target)
- Because of this we have mixture of the link annotation from the old doc and the new doc. While the links are comparable, they have different originalDomElements, so when we re-render them we break up the link at these points, as a valid use case in Parsoid would be to preserve the user typing in adjacent-but-equal links.
Esanders triaged T363024: VisualDiff crashes on pages with complex/manual HTML changes as Low priority.The issue is the following bit of inavlid HTML, where a text node ("The options for...") is placed directly under a <ul>:
<ul>The options for traditional BSN plan of study are:
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Four (4) semester Program of Study: please see attachment A </li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Six (6) semester Program of Study: please see attachment B</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The accelerated BSN plan of study: please see attachment C</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The RN-BSN plan of study: please see attachment D.</li>
Esanders added a comment to T388046: Can't create any wikis on PatchDemo.The above log mentions QuickInstantCommons, but even if I turn that off I get:
Esanders added a comment to T268631: Arabic and Waw letter و becomes part of link suffix but it should not (and it seems to not be part of $linkTrail).Tue, Mar 4Esanders added a comment to T381537: Raise Grade A JavaScript requirement from ES2016 (ES7) to ES2017 (ES8).Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.For wkkis with tasks attached I would also wait for the task to be marked as resolved as well. A typical workflow for our team might involve:
- Create a wiki with patches, and maybe some test data
- Patches gets reviewed and merged
- QA reviews, and also may need PatchDemo wiki for reviewing (along side other environments, e.g. beta cluster).
- Patch is deployed, marked as resolved. Only at this point can the wiki be deleted.
Esanders added a comment to T387657: "not logged in" warning should be most important.Note this is the same order as in the source editor:
From T355555 there will soon be a ve.newTarget hook.
Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.The code comment describes the behaviour requested, so this is just an implementation error:
/ The circle should only appear if there are unseen notifications.
Feb 25 2025Esanders added a comment to T379102: [MILESTONE] Offer Usability Improvements as default-on feature at Phase 3 wikis (desktop).Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
It appears the height jump is caused by the mw-logo being hidden.
Copy is the best alternative we have at the moment to update, but is sub-optimal because:
- You may have setup custom content on your wiki, this will need to be exported and imported
- You may have already shared the link with colleagues, these will need to be updated
- You usually want to delete the old wiki after creating the updated one.
- Each time you create and delete a wiki you get a PatchDemoBot post on linked tasks. Having to scroll through them all to find the latest non-deleted wiki is problematic.
Tue, Mar 11I was notified about a wiki that only contains a [DNM] patch:
Esanders raised the priority of T379428: [regression] VE mobile menu items unexpectedly bold from Low to Medium.This was a task affecting the editing experience and we communicated the priority when filing the task. Not sure why it was lowered?
Esanders added a comment to T344927: External link annotation is split into multiple in a visual diff.Rougly what is happening here:
- The differ works by bisecting the text and comparing smaller fragments
- Sometimes we are comparing linked letters from the old revision with linked letters from the new revision which are equal for the purposes of the diff (characters are equal, and the links have the same target)
- Because of this we have mixture of the link annotation from the old doc and the new doc. While the links are comparable, they have different originalDomElements, so when we re-render them we break up the link at these points, as a valid use case in Parsoid would be to preserve the user typing in adjacent-but-equal links.
Esanders triaged T363024: VisualDiff crashes on pages with complex/manual HTML changes as Low priority.The issue is the following bit of inavlid HTML, where a text node ("The options for...") is placed directly under a <ul>:
<ul>The options for traditional BSN plan of study are:
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Four (4) semester Program of Study: please see attachment A </li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">Six (6) semester Program of Study: please see attachment B</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The accelerated BSN plan of study: please see attachment C</li>
<li style="margin-left:3em;">The RN-BSN plan of study: please see attachment D.</li>
Esanders added a comment to T388046: Can't create any wikis on PatchDemo.The above log mentions QuickInstantCommons, but even if I turn that off I get:
Esanders added a comment to T268631: Arabic and Waw letter و becomes part of link suffix but it should not (and it seems to not be part of $linkTrail).Tue, Mar 4Esanders added a comment to T381537: Raise Grade A JavaScript requirement from ES2016 (ES7) to ES2017 (ES8).Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.For wkkis with tasks attached I would also wait for the task to be marked as resolved as well. A typical workflow for our team might involve:
- Create a wiki with patches, and maybe some test data
- Patches gets reviewed and merged
- QA reviews, and also may need PatchDemo wiki for reviewing (along side other environments, e.g. beta cluster).
- Patch is deployed, marked as resolved. Only at this point can the wiki be deleted.
Esanders added a comment to T387657: "not logged in" warning should be most important.Note this is the same order as in the source editor:
From T355555 there will soon be a ve.newTarget hook.
Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.The code comment describes the behaviour requested, so this is just an implementation error:
/ The circle should only appear if there are unseen notifications.
Feb 25 2025Esanders added a comment to T379102: [MILESTONE] Offer Usability Improvements as default-on feature at Phase 3 wikis (desktop).Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
I was notified about a wiki that only contains a [DNM] patch:
This was a task affecting the editing experience and we communicated the priority when filing the task. Not sure why it was lowered?
Rougly what is happening here:
- The differ works by bisecting the text and comparing smaller fragments
- Sometimes we are comparing linked letters from the old revision with linked letters from the new revision which are equal for the purposes of the diff (characters are equal, and the links have the same target)
- Because of this we have mixture of the link annotation from the old doc and the new doc. While the links are comparable, they have different originalDomElements, so when we re-render them we break up the link at these points, as a valid use case in Parsoid would be to preserve the user typing in adjacent-but-equal links.
The issue is the following bit of inavlid HTML, where a text node ("The options for...") is placed directly under a <ul>:
<ul>The options for traditional BSN plan of study are: <li style="margin-left:3em;">Four (4) semester Program of Study: please see attachment A </li> <li style="margin-left:3em;">Six (6) semester Program of Study: please see attachment B</li> <li style="margin-left:3em;">The accelerated BSN plan of study: please see attachment C</li> <li style="margin-left:3em;">The RN-BSN plan of study: please see attachment D.</li> </ul>
The above log mentions QuickInstantCommons, but even if I turn that off I get:
Tue, Mar 4Esanders added a comment to T381537: Raise Grade A JavaScript requirement from ES2016 (ES7) to ES2017 (ES8).Esanders added a comment to T372981: Reclaim wiki resources on patch merge.For wkkis with tasks attached I would also wait for the task to be marked as resolved as well. A typical workflow for our team might involve:
- Create a wiki with patches, and maybe some test data
- Patches gets reviewed and merged
- QA reviews, and also may need PatchDemo wiki for reviewing (along side other environments, e.g. beta cluster).
- Patch is deployed, marked as resolved. Only at this point can the wiki be deleted.
Esanders added a comment to T387657: "not logged in" warning should be most important.Note this is the same order as in the source editor:
From T355555 there will soon be a ve.newTarget hook.
Esanders added a comment to T344029: Notification counter not shown on mobile (Minerva) when the user has no unseen alerts.The code comment describes the behaviour requested, so this is just an implementation error:
/ The circle should only appear if there are unseen notifications.
Feb 25 2025Esanders added a comment to T379102: [MILESTONE] Offer Usability Improvements as default-on feature at Phase 3 wikis (desktop).Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
For wkkis with tasks attached I would also wait for the task to be marked as resolved as well. A typical workflow for our team might involve:
- Create a wiki with patches, and maybe some test data
- Patches gets reviewed and merged
- QA reviews, and also may need PatchDemo wiki for reviewing (along side other environments, e.g. beta cluster).
- Patch is deployed, marked as resolved. Only at this point can the wiki be deleted.
Note this is the same order as in the source editor:
From T355555 there will soon be a ve.newTarget hook.
The code comment describes the behaviour requested, so this is just an implementation error:
/ The circle should only appear if there are unseen notifications.
Feb 25 2025Esanders added a comment to T379102: [MILESTONE] Offer Usability Improvements as default-on feature at Phase 3 wikis (desktop).Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
Feb 21 2025Esanders added a comment to T227189: Easy to accidentally launch the editor while expanding a section.Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
Feb 18 2025Esanders added a comment to T381655: FOUC when loading talk pages on mobile using Parsoid read views.Esanders added a comment to T368554: Accessibility: users are unable to tab through the description field to the type setting.The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.
Esanders added a comment to T95388: Try to find link in when direct scraping fails.Feb 4 2025
The Editing part of this task is done. When signed off, we can just remove the Editing team tag and leave it with CommTech, instead of marking it as resolved.