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1Saturn v Jupiter - Katherine Parkinson, Paul Abel and Michele DoughertyBrian Cox and Robin Ince referee as Saturn and Jupiter square up to each other in a planetary face off. Representing team Saturn is space physicist Professor Michele Dougherty, and in the opposite corner is Dr Paul Abel on Team Jupiter. Katherine Parkinson judges this cosmic contest, casting the final vote to decide who will be awarded the coveted Kuiper Belt. It is not all about looks of course, but it is a significant factor in a first impression. Both Saturn and Jupiter score highly in this department, boasting magnificent icy rings and colourful stripes respectively. But what lies beneath their aesthetically pleasing exteriors? How do the planets compare on the inside? The gas giants have been subjects of investigation for many years, with historic missions like Galileo and Cassini uncovering their secrets. But they aren’t alone, each planet is surrounded by its own mini solar system of moons, which get space scientists just as excited as their parent planets do. Both Jupiter and Saturn have moons which are hot contenders in the search for extra-terrestrial life and our panel discuss the future plans to explore them. Producer: Melanie Brown Exec Producer: Sasha Feachem Researcher: Olivia Jani3 DAYS AGO
2When To PivotWhen should you stay the course in life, and when should you shift with changing tides? This week, we bring you case studies from the world of business to explore the science of inflection points — changes that dramatically transform the course of events. Researcher Rita McGrath explains why we fail to see impending moments of upheaval, and what we can do to be more adept at spotting them.3 DAYS AGO
3#403 — Sanity Check on Trump 2.0Sam Harris speaks with Jonah Goldberg about the damage Trump is doing domestically and abroad. They discuss Trump’s tariffs, Curtis Yarvin and the Tech Right, threats against Republicans who criticize Trump, why the arguments Republicans are using to defend Trump’s position on Ukraine are flawed, America’s deteriorating moral standing on the global stage, the recklessness of DOGE, why so many CEOs bent the knee to Trump, antisemitism on the Right, Trump’s plan for Gaza, worst case scenarios for Trump 2.0, and other topics. If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at Learning how to train your mind is the single greatest investment you can make in life. That’s why Sam Harris created the Waking Up app. From rational mindfulness practice to lessons on some of life’s most important topics, join Sam as he demystifies the practice of meditation and explores the theory behind it.2 DAYS AGO
4Cosmic Queries – Before the Big BangWhat does it really mean for us to be made of stardust? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Paul Mecurio answer fan questions about particle colliders, time travel, and what existed before the Big Bang.1 DAY AGO
5Иногда они возвращаются: почему мы не можем победить гриппПочему раньше от гриппа можно было умереть за сутки, а теперь — всего лишь проваляться в постели неделю? Откуда берутся свиные и птичьи гриппы и кто следит за появлением новых штаммов? Как кусочки легких, сохранившиеся от солдат Первой мировой и жителей деревни на Аляске, помогли разгадать загадку испанки? В этом выпуске разбираемся, что такое инфлуэнца и почему она возвращается к нам каждый год. Информация об актуальных штаммах гриппа на сайте ВОЗ: Партнер эпизода — швейцарский бренд натуральной косметики Weleda. Промокод ПОЧЕМУ дает скидку 30% на весь ассортимент косметики Weleda в парфюмерной сети Золотое Яблоко при заказе онлайн в России, Беларуси и Казахстане. Он не суммируется с другими акциями, действует однократно и применить его можно до 1 августа 2025 года:Реклама. ООО «ВЕЛЕДА ИСТ» ИНН 7839016734 Экспертка эпизода Оксана Станевич, независимый исследователь, профессор Свободного Университета (Free (Briva) University), врач-инфекционист, магистр Public Health Sciences. ❤️ Поддержать студию Либо/Либо: 🔐 Подписаться на бонусный контент студии Либо/Либо: в приложении Apple Podcats, в закрытом телеграм-канале, на Patreon или на Boosty _____________ Автор сценария Женя ЩербинаРедактор Дима ПеревозчиковФактчекерка Даша ГельфманМедицинский консультант Женя ПинелисПродюсерки Маша Агличева и Настя МедведеваЗвукорежиссеры Антон Дьяконов, Ильдар Фаттахов и Сережа Христолюбов Отдельное спасибо Лике Кремер, Ксении Красильниковой и Андрею Борзенко Подписывайтесь на наш телеграм —И на наш инстаграм — DAY AGO
6DOGE, apples and irregular migrantsIt’s been 12 weeks since President Trump announced the formation of DOGE, the so-called department of Government efficiency. We fact-check various claims connected with the drive to route out inefficiency. Listeners asked us to investigate the claim that 1 in 12 Londoners is an illegal immigrant. We look into the claim that imported New Zealand apples have a smaller carbon footprint than British grown apples. Plus - did VAT on private schools really boost the rate of inflation, or was that just a media concoction? Presenter: Tim Harford Series Producer: Charlotte McDonald Producers: Lizzy McNeill, Nathan Gower and Josh McMinn Sound Mix: Rod Farquhar Editor: Richard Vadon Production Co-Ordinator: Brenda Brown6 DAYS AGO
7More Perfect: Sex AppealIn 2017 our sister show, More Perfect aired an episode all about RBG, In September of 2020, we lost Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to the annals of history. She was 87. Given the atmosphere around reproductive rights, gender and law, we decided to re-air this More Perfect episode dedicated to one of her cases. Because it offers a unique portrait of how one person can make change in the world. This is the story of how Ginsburg, as a young lawyer at the ACLU, convinced an all-male Supreme Court to take discrimination against women seriously - using a case on discrimination against men. Special thanks to Stephen Wiesenfeld, Alison Keith, and Bob Darcy. Supreme Court archival audio comes from Oyez®, a free law project in collaboration with the Legal Information Institute at Cornell. EPISODE CREDITS: Reported by - Julia LongoriaProduced by - Julia Longoria Original music and sound design contributed by - Alex Overington Our newsletter comes out every Wednesday. It includes short essays, recommendations, and details about other ways to interact with the show. Sign up (! Radiolab is supported by listeners like you. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab ( today. Follow our show on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @radiolab, and share your thoughts with us by emailing [email protected] support for Radiolab’s science programming is provided by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation Initiative, and the John Templeton Foundation. Foundational support for Radiolab was provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.3 MAR
8Dropping the MaskHave you ever downplayed some aspect of your identity? Maybe you don’t hide it, but you don’t bring it up with certain people, either. It turns out that these subtle disguises can have powerful effects on how we view ourselves. This week, we talk with legal scholar Kenji Yoshino about what happens when we soften or edit our true selves.1 DAY AGO
9Good Robot #1: The Magic Intelligence in the SkyBefore AI became a mainstream obsession, one thinker sounded the alarm about its catastrophic potential. So why are so many billionaires and tech leaders worried about… paper clips? This is the first episode of our new four-part series about the stories shaping the future of AI. Good Robot was made in partnership with Vox’s Future Perfect team. Episodes will be released on Wednesdays and Saturdays over the next two weeks. For show transcripts, go to For more, go to And please email us! [email protected] We read every email. Support Unexplainable by becoming a Vox Member today: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Social SciencesSocial SciencesUpdated 5 MarScienceScienceEvery two weeksTechnologyTechnologyWeekly seriesScienceScienceUpdated twice weeklyEducationEducationUpdated 14 Feb