provides a File Manager as a means for projects to make files available for download by their users. In addition to the web-based File Manager, SourceForge provides an interactive-shell service for managing files. The File Manager and the interactive shell service provide different methods to manipulate the same files and folders. See Accessing Releases via Shell later in this document for more information.
Files released using the File Release System (FRS) are automatically distributed to our worldwide network of download mirrors, ensuring file availability, and providing great download performance to users.
All file releases should be a single file. Multiple files for the same release should be archived together (tar, deb, zip, etc.). We recommend using rsync for all uploads over 100 megabytes in size, as rsync allows for resuming canceled or interrupted transfers.
You must be a project admin or have the "release technician" permission to manage files for a project. There are several ways to manage your files:
Allowed characters for files and directories are: -_ +.,=#~@!()[]a-zA-Z0-9
(including " " - space).
Disallowed characters are: &:%?/*$|{;^}<>\"'
and unicode
Filenames may not start with a space or dot ("."), and may not end with a space (" ").
Select Files from the Project menu. This is both the file manager (for admins) and the file browser (for visitors).
To create a folder, click Add Folder
To upload a file, click Add File
Clicking on the "i" icon enables your visitors to see more information about the file, such as SHA1 and MD5 hashes, how many times the file has been downloaded, and whether or not it is the default distribution for an OS. As a project admin, you can also click this icon to edit information about the individual file.
To change file details, click the "i" icon
"Download button" allows you to change the label on the download button seen by your visitors.
To rename a file or folder, click the "i" icon and edit the name.
Note: download statistics are based on the file name, so stats for this file will be reset. Your total project download count will include the previous name's stats.
To delete a file or folder, click the "-" icon
Note: Users are responsible for backing up all of their files. will not restore individual files.
Example: user jsmith seeks to put to the release1 directory of his project, fooproject. Replace the underscore parts with your details:
Example: user jsmith seeks to put to the release1 directory of his project, fooproject. Replace the underscore parts with your details:
rsync -e ssh
Example: user jsmith seeks to put to the release1 directory of his project, fooproject. Replace the underscore parts with your details.
$ sftp Connecting to [email protected]'s password: sftp> cd /home/frs/project/fooproject/release1 sftp> put Uploading to /home/frs/project/fooproject/release1/ ws 100% 1573 1.5KB/s 00:00 sftp>
Note: your project directory (/home/frs/project/fooproject) is available, even if you cannot see it listed.
The file browser will show any README file it finds in the current folder (or parent folder) below the file listing. This is useful to provide release notes, download instructions, etc. and it is highly recommended you make this available to your end-users. README files must have "readme" in the filename (case-insensitive) and can be plain text, markdown, reStructuredText, or textile formats, using the corresponding filename extension. They are limited to 64KB in size.
Documentation: Files-Readme
Documentation: Files
Documentation: Project Web and Developer Web
Documentation: SCP
Documentation: SFTP
Documentation: Table of Contents - Documentation
Documentation: rsync