Mind Over Magic

Mind Over Magic

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Help. Cant hire my t3 apprentice
so i did a t3 wand apprentice and they need to level fire and air to be fully trained... but nothing they do will gain them exp... are they borked?
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
JU1173 12 Mar @ 6:50pm 
Use the apprentice stations for those elements. They can use more then one station for whatever they need.
Philtre 12 Mar @ 7:43pm 
Apprentices can only learn at apprentice stations. Each station only teaches one element, so you will need to build the corresponding station for every element your student is not maxed in. (You don't need the special rooms, you can just stick them all in one big generic classroom if you like.)
Originally posted by Philtre:
Apprentices can only learn at apprentice stations. Each station only teaches one element, so you will need to build the corresponding station for every element your student is not maxed in. (You don't need the special rooms, you can just stick them all in one big generic classroom if you like.)
problem is. they wont go learn in any apprentice class room
Check their schedule, check access permission on the learning station and it'll need to be the right element, you'll need a teacher, and they'll need to be able to path there. Also, none of their priorities should be set to emergency.
Originally posted by pjennospam:
Check their schedule, check access permission on the learning station and it'll need to be the right element, you'll need a teacher, and they'll need to be able to path there. Also, none of their priorities should be set to emergency.
duh lol you dont get it. they physically cant use apprentice rooms like you cant even manually make them use the stations
Philtre 13 Mar @ 6:39pm 
Originally posted by ThehipsterGoron:
duh lol you dont get it. they physically cant use apprentice rooms like you cant even manually make them use the stations

You can force a teacher to teach at a station, and any apprentices that need to learn that element can attend that class, as long as they have class scheduled at that time. Do make sure that the apprentice station is for an element that the student is not maxed out in; each station only teaches the corresponding element, so an apprentice who is already maxed in fire will never learn at the fire apprentice station, etc.
so youd have to have a teacher there before you can assign an apprentice there
Philtre 14 Mar @ 9:46am 
Originally posted by ThehipsterGoron:
so youd have to have a teacher there before you can assign an apprentice there

You don't need to manually tell students to learn as long as they are scheduled for class time and there is a teacher holding a class at a suitable station. Students will always prioritize learning under those conditions, unless you have some other task set to emergency priority. You also don't need to manually tell staff to teach; just raise the priority of teaching in their priorities panel and make sure they have class time on their schedule.

But if you really want to use a direct command to learn on a student, you can do it if there is a teacher holding a class at that station.
yeahhh soooo they wont use the trainers no matter what. i think my level 12 apprentice is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Jigsawn 14 Mar @ 10:38am 
One way to check is to click on your apprentice and just watch the info bar on the left to see what he's up to over the day. If it never says 'going to class' or similar, then there are either other things that he has higher priority to do, or he isn't scheduled to go to class. Even if there are no teachers available, he should still show up to a classroom or relevant training station to get trained. But only if you have class time set in his schedule. If there are no teachers available they just stand around the teaching station doing nothing during class time. Also check that its possible for your apprentice to physically reach the classroom and they aren't being blocked by door accesses, wall-ins or similar.
Philtre 14 Mar @ 11:04am 
Originally posted by ThehipsterGoron:
yeahhh soooo they wont use the trainers no matter what. i think my level 12 apprentice is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥

They need to level fire and air, you said? And you have the fire and air apprentice stations (I forget what they're called)? As Jigsawn said, check that they have class time scheduled and can physically access the apprentice stations. Also check that you haven't inadvertently set the stations to "X" priority (which will prevent anyone from using them).

As a quick check, can you use a direct order to tell a teacher to teach at each of the stations?
Stony 14 Mar @ 12:24pm 
I think I have found myself in a simlar situation.
I have a Lightning Apprentice. I gave him a level 3 wand, which gave him +1 Dark Magic.
Dark Magic is opposite Lightning Magic, making the student start out with no points in that school. And I think that is the root of the problem. You probably need at least one point in order to study in that school.You certainly need at least one point in order to carry out the Dark Magic related tasks Warding and Quilting.
But that can't be your entire problem. Fire and Air are not next to each other, so they can't both be blocked in this manner.
Stony 14 Mar @ 2:44pm 
And eventually, he did train the Dark Magic.
Someone else suggested that he would prioritize his main skill, and not do the other until that is what was left. Could be. But given the option of training at Apprentice Portals of the appropriate schools, and if they have the teachers to teach, and they have their priorities straight enough to actually do teach. They eventually will.
Philtre 14 Mar @ 3:15pm 
Originally posted by Stony:
I gave him a level 3 wand, which gave him +1 Dark Magic.
Dark Magic is opposite Lightning Magic, making the student start out with no points in that school. And I think that is the root of the problem. You probably need at least one point in order to study in that school.

Students have no problem leaning a skill they have a current level 0 in, as long as the appropriate teaching stations are available, so this is not the cause of whatever issue you were having.
Lucien 14 Mar @ 4:21pm 
I had the same issue caused by giving an apprentice a relic with +1 to one of the elements. They wouldn't train it tho. Removed relic, hired the apprentice, then equipped the relic again and they then proceeded to be able to train
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