Eternal Strands

Eternal Strands

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Gave up on final boss fight and uninstalled the game
This is the worst boss fight I've experienced in more than 30 years of playing.

I had him at zero health 5 times and was supposed to make the finishing move, but even with full health and a lot of potions I didn't stand a chance.

I tried jumping or using kinetics to catapult myself upwards, but when I finally succeeded, the boss immediately grabbed me and smashed me to the ground. On most of the attempts I couldn't get the kinetic bubble to pop and had to take several heavy hits, with the boss having almost a 100% chance to hit and me having to wait until my character could finally move again.

And that's on the easiest difficulty level!

This is not fun, I had to uninstall the game before I get a heart attack.
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Darrok 9 Mar @ 11:13am 
Didn't expected it to be easy, but that hand always wanted to get me. Tried to freeze the grabby hand to get the string from the face. Took me forever. Certainly can understand how annoying that part is. Often tried to use the kinetic stream, but she often had issues grabbing herself on the face and instead just flew past it. Others had similar experiences.
selino 9 Mar @ 8:03pm 
I always feel like my hands are twice as fast as the controls. I literally watch fire/ice balls hit Brynn as I execute the block command twice.

I make my way to the other side, turn around, and the boss + minions are right there, hitting me. There's no respite.

I've tried ranged, defensive, offensive. Makes no difference. I'm maxed on all weapons and armor. Doesn't matter.

There's a reason the devs litter the place with healing tonic. This is so imbalanced that it forces players, not all, to rage quit. Does anyone know the percentage of players that have the achievement?
Fiach 14 Mar @ 5:05am 
Thanks, was thinking of buying it in PS.
I made him solid with an ice grenade
then I froze his sword to the ground
then made an ice bridge to run high enough to jump on his frozen body

It took me like three tries to execute it properly but it worked.

In general, while the boss is way harder than others - I kinda like it. It forces you to use all of the tools you have to find a way to deal with him.
Now that you mention your strategy it could be even better, I didn't even think of tryint the bubble! And to be safe before it pops you could use the third ice magic. I used it a lot in this fight to reposition and tank damage.
Last edited by VeraelHasta; 14 Mar @ 5:43am
Originally posted by selino:
I always feel like my hands are twice as fast as the controls. I literally watch fire/ice balls hit Brynn as I execute the block command twice.

I make my way to the other side, turn around, and the boss + minions are right there, hitting me. There's no respite.

I've tried ranged, defensive, offensive. Makes no difference. I'm maxed on all weapons and armor. Doesn't matter.

There's a reason the devs litter the place with healing tonic. This is so imbalanced that it forces players, not all, to rage quit. Does anyone know the percentage of players that have the achievement?
I wouldn't say it is unbalanced, just takes time to find a strategy. I recommend using the third ice spell to deal with the minions in a safe way before engaging the boss. The minions respawn only once or twice at certain health thresholds.
Last edited by VeraelHasta; 14 Mar @ 5:43am
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