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dei 27 Jan @ 11:26pm
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth does not start
I have the following problem, the game has been fully installed but does not start. When I select the game in Steam and click on the bottom ‘Play’ it says ‘Game started’ next to the game for a few seconds and then nothing happens.
Here is the data from my computer:
Windows 11 Pro
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
32.0 GB DDR3 RAM
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
NVIDIA GeForce RTX4060
Maybe someone can help me?
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
What's your GPU driver version?
dei 27 Jan @ 11:35pm 
Originally posted by AHarmlessSpider:
What's your GPU driver version?
when I want to make an update, it says that it is the best / latest driver
Originally posted by dei:
when I want to make an update, it says that it is the best / latest driver

Try moving a couple of driver releases backwards, say around the start of December. It's really important to note that they (supposedly) tested the game using drivers that were available a couple of months before release, so finding what worked for them should make it work for you too.
defnotj4 27 Jan @ 11:42pm 
time for a new CPU . i7 2600 is likely lacking at least a couple features the game needs to even load
dei 27 Jan @ 11:42pm 
Originally posted by AHarmlessSpider:
Originally posted by dei:
when I want to make an update, it says that it is the best / latest driver

Try moving a couple of driver releases backwards, say around the start of December. It's really important to note that they (supposedly) tested the game using drivers that were available a couple of months before release, so finding what worked for them should make it work for you too.
ok, thanks, I'll try.
But otherwise my computer should be enough, right?
Originally posted by defnotj4:
time for a new CPU . i7 2600 is likely lacking at least a couple features the game needs to even load

True, the AVX2 instruction set is required and that cpu doesn't support it. But, there is a workaround:
Originally posted by dei:
ok, thanks, I'll try.
But otherwise my computer should be enough, right?

Make sure you get the mod I linked so it will emulate the instruction set you're missing due to your CPU being substantially older than the recommended CPU. Just know that the CPU will be a bottleneck for you so don't expect miracles.
Nauct 28 Jan @ 12:49am 
2600 CPU is that a typo? I have a 9700K that I've been putting off upgrading.
Last edited by Nauct; 28 Jan @ 12:49am
dei 28 Jan @ 1:55am 
Originally posted by Nauct:
2600 CPU is that a typo? I have a 9700K that I've been putting off upgrading.
No, unfortunately it's not a typo. I have the i7-2600 CPU.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz
Did you manage to get it running?
dei 28 Jan @ 2:38am 
Originally posted by AHarmlessSpider:
Did you manage to get it running?
Unfortunately, it hasn't worked so far.
I downloaded the files (AVX2 mod) and added them to the FF folder as described in the instructions.
I started FFVII-SDE-Launcher for about 1 minute and then I tried to start the game, unfortunately without success so far.
Dude, your CPU is 14 Years old, you can´t seriously think you can play modern Games today without running into any issues.

I bet when you change CPU you will run the Game just fine, like me, so stop searching for any other Solution but changing your CPU, i guess thats the best.
Last edited by Deinsensai; 28 Jan @ 2:47am
dei 28 Jan @ 2:57am 
You're right, probably nothing left to do but replace CPU....
Can anyone recommend me something? Which CPU should I get for my computer?
Thanks to all for the help.
If you're going to upgrade, you might look at a new motherboard too. I don't know your budget, but start with the minimum specs for this game and see if you can go bigger.
dlux 28 Jan @ 4:22am 
Originally posted by dei:
You're right, probably nothing left to do but replace CPU....
Can anyone recommend me something? Which CPU should I get for my computer?
Thanks to all for the help.
That honestly depends on what your budget is.

The AMD X3D processors are really good for gaming, so you should check those out.
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