it kept saying that there were 2 e's and 2 t's even though it was pocket (practice mode), make so it just shows one instead
Very neat idea and great execution. I was no where close to guessing the right word.
Created in 48 hours, I wanted to try and make a game that could
submit data to Twitter in an automated post. I got the test down
but the concept was so fun I had to polish it and quickly post it out.
Sorry if it's a bit unpolished or doesn't hold your hand in some places,
but that's just how life is sometimes hehe x3
The WORDLE mechanic itself is a bit more basic than the real thing.
It will still show ORANGE if you're put the letter somewhere else in
the word, even if there's only one of those. It is six letters instead of
five for added difficulty, but you can spam words that aren't real words
so the difficulty evens out. DM me if you have any issues with the game.
Stepford (Programmer) : Twitter | Newgrounds |
Duster (Musician) : Twitter | Newgrounds
Milkworm (Higher Res Artist) : Stepford, Aseprite