1. Introduction
Over the years the web has grown various APIs that can be used for storage, e.g., IndexedDB, localStorage
, and showNotification()
. The Storage Standard consolidates
these APIs by defining:
- A bucket, the primitive these APIs store their data in
- A way of making that bucket persistent
- A way of getting usage and quota estimates for an origin
Traditionally, as the user runs out of storage space on their device, the data stored with these APIs gets lost without the user being able to intervene. However, persistent buckets cannot be cleared without consent by the user. This thus brings data guarantees users have enjoyed on native platforms to the web.
A simple way to make storage persistent is through invoking the persist()
method. It
simultaneously requests the end user for permission and changes the storage to be persistent once
navigator. storage. persist(). then( persisted => {
if ( persisted) {
/* … */
To not show user-agent-driven dialogs to the end user unannounced slightly more involved code can be written:
Promise. all([
navigator. storage. persisted(),
navigator. permissions. query({ name: "persistent-storage" })
]). then(([ persisted, permission]) => {
if ( ! persisted && permission. state == "granted" ) {
navigator. storage. persist(). then( /* … */ );
} else if ( ! persisted && permission. state == "prompt" ) {
The estimate()
method can be used to determine whether there is enough space left to
store content for an application:
function retrieveNextChunk( nextChunkInfo) {
return navigator. storage. estimate(). then( info => {
if ( info. quota - info. usage > nextChunkInfo. size) {
return fetch( nextChunkInfo. url);
} else {
throw new Error ( "insufficient space to store next chunk" );
}). then( /* … */ );
2. Terminology
This specification depends on the Infra Standard. [INFRA]
This specification uses terminology from the HTML, IDL, and Permissions Standards. [HTML] [WEBIDL] [PERMISSIONS]
3. Lay of the land
A user agent has various kinds of semi-persistent state:
- Credentials
End-user credentials, such as username and passwords submitted through HTML forms
- Permissions
Permissions for various features, such as geolocation
- Network
HTTP cache, cookies, authentication entries, TLS client certificates
- Storage
- Indexed DB, Cache API, service worker registrations,
, application caches, notifications, etc.
This standard primarily concerns itself with storage.
4. Model
Standards defining local or session storage APIs will define a storage endpoint and register it by changing this standard. They will invoke either the obtain a local storage bottle map or the obtain a session storage bottle map algorithm, which will give them:
Failure, which might mean the API has to throw or otherwise indicate there is no storage available for that environment settings object.
A storage proxy map that operates analogously to a map, which can be used to store data in a manner that suits the API. This standard takes care of isolating that data from other APIs, storage keys, and storage types.
If you are defining a standard for such an API, consider filing an issue against this standard for assistance and review.
To isolate this data this standard defines a storage shed which segments storage shelves by a storage key. A storage shelf in turn consists of a storage bucket and will likely consist of multiple storage buckets in the future to allow for different storage policies. And lastly, a storage bucket consists of storage bottles, one for each storage endpoint.
4.1. Storage endpoints
A storage endpoint is a local or session storage API that uses the infrastructure defined by this standard, most notably storage bottles, to keep track of its storage needs.
A storage endpoint has an identifier, which is a storage identifier.
A storage endpoint also has types, which is a set of storage types.
A storage endpoint also has a quota, which is null or a number representing a recommended quota (in bytes) for each storage bottle corresponding to this storage endpoint.
A storage identifier is an ASCII string.
A storage type is "local
" or "session
The registered storage endpoints are a set of storage endpoints defined by the following table:
Identifier | Type | Quota |
"caches "
| « "local " »
| null |
"indexedDB "
| « "local " »
| null |
"localStorage "
| « "local " »
| 5 × 220 (i.e., 5 mebibytes) |
"serviceWorkerRegistrations "
| « "local " »
| null |
"sessionStorage "
| « "session " »
| 5 × 220 (i.e., 5 mebibytes) |
As mentioned, standards can use these storage identifiers with obtain a local storage bottle map and obtain a session storage bottle map. It is anticipated that some APIs will be applicable to both storage types going forward.
4.2. Storage keys
A storage key is a origin). [HTML]
This is expected to change; see Client-Side Storage Partitioning.
To obtain a storage key, given an environment environment, run these steps:
Let key be the result of running obtain a storage key for non-storage purposes with environment.
If key’s origin is an opaque origin, then return failure.
If the user has disabled storage, then return failure.
Return key.
To obtain a storage key for non-storage purposes, given an environment environment, run these steps:
To determine whether a storage key A equals storage key B, run these steps:
If A’s origin is not same origin with B’s origin, then return false.
Return true.
4.3. Storage sheds
A storage shed is a map of storage keys to storage shelves. It is initially empty.
A user agent holds a storage shed, which is a storage shed. A user agent’s storage shed holds all local storage data.
A traversable navigable holds a storage shed, which is a storage shed. A traversable navigable’s storage shed holds all session storage data.
To legacy-clone a traversable storage shed, given a traversable navigable B, run these steps:
For each key → shelf of A’s storage shed:
Let newShelf be the result of running create a storage shelf with "
". -
Set newShelf’s bucket map["
"]'s bottle map["sessionStorage
"]'s map to a clone of shelf’s bucket map["default
"]'s bottle map["sessionStorage
"]'s map. -
Set B’s storage shed[key] to newShelf.
This is considered legacy as the benefits, if any, do not outweigh the implementation complexity. And therefore it will not be expanded or used outside of HTML. [HTML]
4.4. Storage shelves
A storage shelf exists for each storage key within a storage shed. It holds a bucket map, which is a strings to storage buckets.
For now "default
" is the only issue #2. It is
given a value when a storage shelf is obtained for the first time.
To obtain a storage shelf, given a storage shed shed, an environment settings object environment, and a storage type type, run these steps:
Let key be the result of running obtain a storage key with environment.
If key is failure, then return failure.
If shed[key] does not exist, then set shed[key] to the result of running create a storage shelf with type.
Return shed[key].
To obtain a local storage shelf, given an environment settings object environment, return the result of running obtain a storage shelf with the user
agent’s storage shed, environment, and "local
To create a storage shelf, given a storage type type, run these steps:
Let shelf be a new storage shelf.
Set shelf’s bucket map["
"] to the result of running create a storage bucket with type. -
Return shelf.
4.5. Storage buckets
A storage bucket is a place for storage endpoints to store data.
A storage bucket has a bottle map of storage identifiers to storage bottles.
A local storage bucket is a storage bucket for local storage APIs.
A local storage bucket has a mode, which is
" or "persistent
". It is initially "best-effort
A session storage bucket is a storage bucket for session storage APIs.
To create a storage bucket, given a storage type type, run these steps:
Let bucket be null.
If type is "
", then set bucket to a new local storage bucket. -
Assert: type is "
". -
Set bucket to a new session storage bucket.
contain type, set bucket’s bottle map[endpoint’s identifier] to a new storage bottle whose quota is endpoint’s quota.
Return bucket.
4.6. Storage bottles
A storage bottle is a part of a storage bucket carved out for a single storage endpoint. A storage bottle has a map, which is initially an empty set. A storage bottle also has a quota, which is null or a number representing a conservative estimate of the total amount of bytes it can hold. Null indicates the lack of a limit. It is still bound by the storage quota of its encompassing storage shelf.
A storage bottle’s map is where the actual data meant to be stored lives. User agents are expected to store this data, and make it available across implementation-defined manner, so that this standard and standards using this standard can access the contents.
To obtain a storage bottle map, given a storage type type, environment settings object environment, and storage identifier identifier, run these steps:
Let shed be null.
If type is "
", then set shed to the user agent’s storage shed. -
Assert: type is "
". -
Set shed to environment’s traversable navigable’s storage shed.
Let shelf be the result of running obtain a storage shelf, with shed, environment, and type.
If shelf is failure, then return failure.
Let bucket be shelf’s bucket map["
"]. -
Let bottle be bucket’s bottle map[identifier].
Let proxyMap be a new storage proxy map whose backing map is bottle’s map.
Append proxyMap to bottle’s proxy map reference set.
Return proxyMap.
To obtain a local storage bottle map, given an environment settings object environment and storage identifier identifier, return the result of running obtain a storage bottle map with
", environment, and identifier.
To obtain a session storage bottle map, given an environment settings object environment and storage identifier identifier, return the result of running obtain a storage bottle map with
", environment, and identifier.
4.7. Storage proxy maps
A storage proxy map is equivalent to a map, except that all operations are instead performed on its backing map.
This allows for the backing map to be replaced. This is needed for Storage Access API.
4.8. Storage task source
The storage task source is a task source to be used for all tasks related to a storage endpoint. In particular those that relate to a storage endpoint’s quota.
To queue a storage task given a queue a global task on the storage task source with global and steps.
5. Persistence permission
A local storage bucket can only have its mode change to
" if the user (or user agent on behalf of the user) has granted permission
to use the "persistent-storage
" powerful feature.
When granted to an origin, the persistence permission can be used to protect storage from the user agent’s clearing policies. The user agent cannot clear storage marked as persistent without involvement from the origin or user. This makes it particularly useful for resources the user needs to have available while offline or resources the user creates locally.
The "persistent-storage
" powerful feature’s permission-related algorithms,
and types are defaulted, except for:
- permission state
"'s origin. - permission revocation algorithm
If the result of getting the current permission state with "
" is "granted
", then return. -
Let shelf be the result of running obtain a local storage shelf with current settings object.
Set shelf’s bucket map["
"]'s mode to "best-effort
6. Usage and quota
The storage usage of a storage shelf is an implementation-defined rough estimate of the amount of bytes used by it.
This cannot be an exact amount as user agents might, and are encouraged to, use deduplication, compression, and other techniques that obscure exactly how much bytes a storage shelf uses.
implementation-defined conservative estimate of the total amount of bytes it can hold. This amount should be less than the total storage space on the device. It must not be a function of the available storage space on the device.
User agents are strongly encouraged to consider navigation frequency, recency of visits,
bookmarking, and permission for "persistent-storage
" when
determining quotas.
Directly or indirectly revealing available storage space can lead to fingerprinting and leaking information outside the scope of the origin involved.
7. Management
Whenever a storage bucket is cleared by the user agent, it must be cleared in its entirety. User agents should avoid clearing storage buckets while script that is able to access them is running, unless instructed otherwise by the user.
If removal of storage buckets leaves the encompassing storage shelf’s bucket map remove that storage shelf and corresponding storage key from the encompassing storage shed.
7.1. Storage pressure
A user agent that comes under storage pressure should clear network state and local storage buckets whose mode is
", ideally prioritizing removal in a manner that least impacts the user.
If a user agent continues to be under storage pressure, then the user agent should inform the
user and offer a way to clear the remaining local storage buckets, i.e., those whose mode is "persistent
Session storage buckets must be cleared as traversable navigables are closed.
If the user agent allows for revival of traversable navigables, e.g., through reopening traversable navigables or continued use of them after restarting the user agent, then clearing necessarily involves a more complex set of heuristics.
7.2. User interface guidelines
User agents should offer users the ability to clear network state and storage for individual websites. User agents should not distinguish between network state and storage in their user interface. This ensures network state cannot be used to revive storage and reduces the number of concepts users need to be mindful of.
Credentials should be separated as they contain data the user might not be able to revive, such as an autogenerated password. Permissions are best separated too to avoid inconveniencing the user.
8. API
[SecureContext ]interface mixin { [
NavigatorStorage SameObject ]readonly attribute StorageManager storage ; };Navigator includes NavigatorStorage ;WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorStorage ;
Each environment settings object has an associated StorageManager
object. [HTML]
The storage
getter steps are to return relevant settings object’s StorageManager
[SecureContext ,Exposed =(Window ,Worker )]interface {
StorageManager boolean >persisted (); [boolean >persist ();Promise <StorageEstimate >estimate (); };dictionary {
StorageEstimate unsigned long ;
usage unsigned long ; };
The persisted()
method steps are:
Let promise be a new promise.
Let global be relevant global object.
Let shelf be the result of running obtain a local storage shelf with relevant settings object.
If shelf is failure, then TypeError.
Otherwise, run these steps in parallel:
Let persisted be true if shelf’s bucket map["
"]'s mode is "persistent
"; otherwise false.It will be false when there’s an internal error.
Queue a storage task with global to resolve promise with persisted.
Return promise.
The persist()
method steps are:
Let promise be a new promise.
Let global be relevant global object.
Let shelf be the result of running obtain a local storage shelf with relevant settings object.
If shelf is failure, then TypeError.
Otherwise, run these steps in parallel:
Let permission be the result of requesting permission to use "
".User agents are encouraged to not let the user answer this question twice for the same origin around the same time and this algorithm is not equipped to handle such a scenario.
Let bucket be shelf’s bucket map["
"]. -
Let persisted be true if bucket’s mode is "
"; otherwise false.It will be false when there’s an internal error.
If persisted is false and permission is "
", then:-
Set bucket’s mode to "
". -
If there was no internal error, then set persisted to true.
Queue a storage task with global to resolve promise with persisted.
Return promise.
The estimate()
method steps are:
Let promise be a new promise.
Let global be relevant global object.
Let shelf be the result of running obtain a local storage shelf with relevant settings object.
If shelf is failure, then TypeError.
Otherwise, run these steps in parallel:
Let usage be storage usage for shelf.
Let quota be storage quota for shelf.
Let dictionary be a new
dictionary whoseusage
member is usage andquota
member is quota. -
If there was an internal error while obtaining usage and quota, then queue a storage task with global to TypeError.
Internal errors are supposed to be extremely rare and indicate some kind of low-level platform or hardware fault. However, at the scale of the web with the diversity of implementation and platforms, the unexpected does occur.
Otherwise, queue a storage task with global to resolve promise with dictionary.
Return promise.
With that, many thanks to Adrian Bateman, Aislinn Grigas, Alex Russell, Ali Alabbas, Andrew Sutherland, Andrew Williams, Austin Sullivan, Ben Kelly, Ben Turner, Dale Harvey, David Grogan, Domenic Denicola, fantasai, Jake Archibald, Jeffrey Yasskin, Jesse Mykolyn, Jinho Bang, Jonas Sicking, Joshua Bell, Kenji Baheux, Kinuko Yasuda, Luke Wagner, Michael Nordman, Mike Taylor, Mounir Lamouri, Shachar Zohar, 黃強 (Shawn Huang), 簡冠庭 (Timothy Guan-tin Chien), and Victor Costan for being awesome!
This standard is written by Anne van Kesteren (Apple, [email protected]).
Intellectual property rights
Copyright © WHATWG (Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To the extent portions of it are incorporated into source code, such portions in the source code are licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License instead.
This is the Living Standard. Those interested in the patent-review version should view the Living Standard Review Draft.