iCloud Shared Photo Library lets you share photos and videos seamlessly with up to five other people, so everyone can collaborate on the collection and enjoy more complete memories. Learn how to set up and use a Shared Library.
How iCloud Shared Photo Library works
Create a Shared Library
Join a Shared Library
Use a Shared Library
Leave a Shared Library
Get help with Shared Library
When you contribute photos and videos to iCloud Shared Photo Library, they move out of your Personal Library and into the Shared Library. You can join one Shared Library, and you can choose what to share, or automatically share content straight from the camera.
All participants have equal permissions to add, edit, and delete content in the Shared Library, while the person who set up the Shared Library, the library creator, provides iCloud storage for all of the content. Everyone else gets access to the Shared Library content without it counting towards their iCloud storage.
To set up a Shared Library, you need a device with iOS 16.1, iPadOS 16.1, or macOS Ventura or later with Family Sharing group.*
Go to Settings > Apps > Photos, then tap Shared Library. In iOS 17 or earlier, go to Settings > Photos, then tap Shared Library.
Choose up to five people to invite, or you can invite participants later.
Choose past photos and videos that you want to move to your Shared Library, or choose to move photos later.
Follow the onscreen steps to preview your Shared Library, confirm the content that you want to share, and invite additional participants.
In the Photos app, choose Photos > Settings, then click iCloud.
Make sure that iCloud Photos is turned on. If not, select iCloud Photos.
Click Shared Library, then click Get Started.
Follow the onscreen instructions to invite participants and add photos and videos.
To join a Shared Library, you need a device with iOS 16.1, iPadOS 16.1, or macOS Ventura or later with Family Sharing group.*
Open the invitation from the library creator or go to Settings > Apps > Photos. In iOS 17 or earlier, go Settings > Photos.
Tap Accept & Continue.
Follow the onscreen steps to choose photos and videos you want to move to your Shared Library, or choose to move photos later.
Follow the onscreen steps to preview your Shared Library content and confirm the content that you want to share.
Open the invitation from the library creator or go to Photos > Settings, and click View Invitation.
Click Get Started, then follow the onscreen steps to choose photos and videos you want to move to your Shared Library, or choose to move photos later.
Learn how to share photos straight from your camera to your Shared Library and how to switch views between your Personal Library, the Shared Library, or display both at the same time in the Photos app. You can also learn how to find photos shared by other participants, manage sharing suggestions, and more on your Mac.
Tap Sharing from Camera and make sure that it's turned on.
Open the Photos app.
Tap the profile button in the upper corner and scroll down to Library View Options. In iOS 17 or earlier, at the top of the Albums or Library tabs, tap the button next to Select in the upper right.
Choose Personal Library, Shared Library, or Both Libraries.
In Both Libraries or Shared Library view, photos that are in the Shared Library are badged with an icon. To turn this off, tap Shared Library Indicator.
At the top, choose Personal Library, Shared Library, or Both Libraries.
In Both Libraries or Shared Library view, photos that are in the Shared Library are badged with an icon. To turn this off, choose View > Metadata > In Shared Library.
If you created an iCloud Shared Photo Library, you can remove a participant or delete the Shared Library at any time. After you delete the Shared Library, all participants receive a notification. If a participant has been in the Shared Library for more than seven days, they automatically receive everything from the Shared Library in their Personal Library. If they've been in the Shared Library for less than seven days, they receive only the photos and videos that they contributed.
If you're a participant, you can leave a Shared Library at any time. You can choose to receive a copy of everything from the Shared Library in your Personal Library, or just what you contributed.
Learn how to leave a Shared Library
If you use a device with an earlier version of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, or iCloud for Windows, you can't see content moved to the Shared Library. You can on your Mac.
* Age varies by country or region.
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