Connect a display to your Mac

Mac computers support one or more external displays, depending on the Mac model. Here's how to connect an external display.

Connect the display to power and your Mac

  1. Use your display's power cable to connect the display to power.

  2. Use your display's video cable to connect the display to your Mac, such as to a ThunderboltNo alt supplied for Imageuse an adapter with the video cable. Or replace the video cable with one that doesn't require an adapter.

  3. When your display has power and is connected properly, your Mac detects the display automatically. You should then see your Mac desktop on the display, and you can configure display settings.

If your display isn't detected or can't use its highest resolutions or refresh rates, learn what to do if your display has a dark screen (no video) or low resolution.

Configure display settings

  • From the Apple menu  in the corner of the screen, choose System Settings (or System Preferences), then click Displays. In display settings you can change display resolution, choose a refresh rate, arrange your displays, and more.

  • If the display is not made by Apple, certain settings might be available only by using the display's built-in controls and menu system. Check your display's documentation for details.

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