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sign in with your Apple ID you can exchange unlimited messages—including text, photos, Live Photos, video, and more—with anyone with a Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch. The Messages app uses iMessage to send encrypted messages to these devices that appear in blue bubbles in your conversations. For setup information, see the Apple Support article next to it. To see all the photos in a conversation, click the Details button 
Create your own Memoji. Design your own personalized Memoji—choose skin color and freckles, hairstyle and color, facial features, and more. To use a personalized Memoji as your Messages photo, go to Messages > Preferences. Click “Set up Name and Photo Sharing,” click Continue, then click Customize. Click the New Memoji button , click Photos, then click a photo to add it. Type a keyword—for example, a person’s name, date, or location—in the search field to help you find a specific photo.
Share your screen. You and a friend can share screens and even open folders, create documents, and copy files by dragging them to the desktop on the shared screen. Click the Details button Messages User Guide.