JPEG Quality pop-up menu (JPEG files only): Choose a resolution (the number of pixels in the exported image), which affects display and printing quality.
16 Bit checkbox (TIFF files only): Select to export an image compatible with older 16-bit computer devices.
Color Profile pop-up menu: Choose a color profile to maintain similar display or printing quality on monitors or printers different from your devices.
Size pop-up menu: Choose the size of the exported image.
Click the File Name pop-up menu and choose how to name the exported files (this step is optional).
You can name your exported files using the titles you’ve given them in Photos, their filenames, or a filename numbered sequentially. If you choose Sequential, you can specify text to appear before each number (for example, Birthday - 1, Birthday - 2, and so on).
Click the Subfolder Format pop-up menu and choose how to divide the exported files into folders.
For example, if you export photos from several different memories, you can have Photos export the photos in each memory as a subfolder. Choose None to export the photos as individual files without subfolders.
Click Export.
Choose where to save the exported photo files, then click Export.
Tip: If you’re signed in to your on your Mac.