To browse the VoiceOver User Guide, click Table of Contents at the top of the page.
If you need more help, visit the Mac Accessibility Support website.
VoiceOver User Guide
- Welcome
- Use VoiceOver in the login window
- Change function key behavior
- Make VoiceOver ignore the next key press
- Learn or mute VoiceOver sound effects
- Hear hints and information
- Use positional audio
- Interact with areas and groups
- Hear progress or status changes
- Select and deselect items
- Drag and drop items
- Use cursor tracking
- Use VoiceOver Utility
- Change voice settings
- Customize verbosity
- Customize punctuation
- Change how VoiceOver pronounces text and symbols
- Change what the VoiceOver rotor shows
- Create custom labels for UI elements
- Export, import, and reset VoiceOver preferences
- Use VoiceOver portable preferences
- Use VoiceOver activities
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