Learn what you can do to make sure that the Apple Support Community is a helpful and welcoming place for everyone.
The Apple Support Community is a place where everyone can learn how to get the most out of their Apple products and services. To make this a community where all members feel comfortable to ask and answer questions, follow these guidelines.
1. Help us show respect to all. Answers are provided by other community users just like you. Please consider this when you post.
2. Help us inspire everyone to collaborate politely.
We recommend that you stay on-topic.
Bring forward new, helpful information when you reply.
Please refrain from name calling, insulting or baiting other members, or making negative comments.
We suggest that you avoid using all capital letters, bold fonts, or emphasized words, which may convey a negative tone.
3. Let’s welcome everyone.
Reply with useful and positive comments.
Everyone deserves respect and dignity in any situation. You can step out of conversations if the dialogue isn’t constructive.
Please show kindness. All members should feel comfortable asking and responding to questions — regardless of level, skill, knowledge, or expertise. Please don’t belittle other members.
When you communicate with other members, keep it friendly. Please don’t pick a fight.
4. Help other members help you.
Do your best to post in the appropriate community.
When you post, make sure that your question is clear. Include details about your product, your software version, and the issue that you want help with.
Select a descriptive and concise title for your post.
Thank members who point you in the right direction. Upvote or downvote content in the community to let members know if their post solved your problem or helped you with your question. Choose “Me too” if you have the same question.
Learn more about how to find answers and ask new questions.