Transfer to a new Mac with Migration Assistant

Use Migration Assistant to copy some or all of your content from one Mac to another Mac.

What does Migration Assistant do?

Migration Assistant transfers documents, apps, user accounts and settings from one Mac to another. It doesn’t delete information from your old Mac or replace the operating system (macOS) on your new Mac.

Migration Assistant can also transfer from a Windows PC.

Get ready

  • OS X El Capitan or earlier, connect them to the same Wi-Fi network.

  • If antivirus, firewall or VPN software is in use on either Mac, turn off that software until you're done.

Use Migration Assistant

Migration Assistant is included with your Mac – both as an app and as part of the setup assistant that opens when you first start up a new Mac.

On your new Mac

  1. Open Migration Assistant:

    • If your Mac starts up to a setup assistant, which asks for details such as your country and network, skip to the next step, because migration is part of that setup.

    • If you already completed initial setup of your new Mac, open Migration Assistant. You can find it in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder. Or

On your old Mac

  1. Open Migration Assistant, then click Continue.

  2. When asked how you want to transfer your information, select the option to transfer to another Mac. Click Continue.

On your new Mac

When asked to select a Mac, Time Machine backup or other startup disk, select the icon of other Mac. Click Continue.

Migration Assistant showing the selected icon of the old Mac.

On your old Mac

If you see a security code, make sure it's the same as the one displayed on your new Mac. Click Continue.

On your new Mac

  1. Migration Assistant calculates how much storage space is used by all of your information, including apps, user accounts, files, folders and settings. Select the box next to each category of files that you want to transfer. Or click the disclosure arrownull

  2. If asked for the password of an existing user who is already authorised on your new Mac, click Authorise, then enter that account's password.

    Migration Assistant asking for the password of an existing account to authorise the transfer
  3. Large transfers may need hours to be completed, and may seem to pause occasionally. After the migration process has finished, close Migration Assistant on both computers, then log in to the migrated account on your new Mac.

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