Formulas are a snap. Get built-in help for more than 250 powerful functions—just type the equal sign (=) in a cell, and you see a list of all the functions and their descriptions in the sidebar. Start typing a formula to get instant suggestions.
Tip: To get instant calculations for a series of values, select the range of cells containing the values. At the bottom of the window you’ll see the sum, average, minimum, maximum, and count of the selected values. Click the Menu button
Numbers User Guide.
Formulas are a snap. Get built-in help for more than 250 powerful functions—just type the equal sign (=) in a cell, and you see a list of all the functions and their descriptions in the sidebar. Start typing a formula to get instant suggestions.
Tip: To get instant calculations for a series of values, select the range of cells containing the values. At the bottom of the window you’ll see the sum, average, minimum, maximum, and count of the selected values. Click the Menu button Numbers User Guide.