Click Display, scroll down to Text, then click “Text size.”
Open Display settings for accessibility for me
Drag the slider to the right to increase the text size on the desktop, in app sidebars, and in the apps listed (if they are set to Use Preferred Reading Size).
To set a different text size for any of the apps listed, click the pop-up menu next to the app, then choose a size.
Note: If an app is set to Customized in App, a unique text size has been set in that app’s settings. If you change the app’s text size in System Settings, it replaces the text size customization you set in the app.
In many apps, you can adjust the size of text or icons.
How to adjust text or icon size
App sidebars
Choose Apple menu in the Dock to open a Finder window, then choose View > Show View Options. Do any of the following:
Click the “Text size” pop-up menu, then choose a text size.
Choose an icon size (in Icon view and List view).
Choose a thumbnail size (in Gallery view).
Note: You can’t change the text size in Gallery view or the icon size in Column view. See , then press Command-Plus Sign (+) or Command-Minus Sign (–).
Go to a webpage in the Safari app in the sidebar (you may need to scroll down), then do any of the following:
Drag the Size slider.
Drag the Magnification slider to have icons in the Dock increase in size when you move the pointer over them.
You can also view a larger version of text you’re reading or typing in a separate window, zoom in on the screen, or use a lower display resolution so everything appears larger. See Accessibility features for vision on Mac