Do any of the following:
Add text: Type the header or footer text, or select text that you want to edit.
Add page numbers: Tap the field again, tap Page Numbers, then tap a number format.
Add an image: Tap Paste. You must have already copied an image to the Clipboard to see Paste.
Add an equation: Tap , tap Document Options, then tap Document Setup.
To turn headers on or off for the entire document, tap the Document tab and turn Headers or Footers on or off.
Note: If you want to show headers or footers only on certain pages, turn headers or footers on for the document, then make adjustments in the next step.
To set where headers and footers appear in the document, tap the Section tab, then choose any of the following:
Hide on First Page: Hide the header or footer on the first page. If the document has more than one section, it applies only to the first page of this section.
Left and Right Are Different: When this is turned on in a document using , then choose options:
Show Header and Footer: Turn this setting on or off to show or hide the header and footer on this page.
Match Previous Page: Use the same headers and footers from one page to the next. Turn this setting off if you want to use different headers and footers for this page.
If your document uses .
Tap Photo or Video; to insert an image from iCloud or another service, tap “Insert from.”
Navigate to the image, then tap it.
Drag the selection handles on the image to resize it.
Tap Done to return to the document.
You can also copy and paste an image into the header or footer field.
Tip: If the document already has headers or footers, you can tap one to quickly open More Options view.