Move the pointer over the top or bottom of the page until you see the three header or footer fields, then click one (you can use any combination of fields to complete your header or footer).
Hide on first page of section: Hide the header or footer on the first page. If the document has more than one section, the setting applies only to the first page of this section.
Match previous section: Use the same headers and footers from one section to the next. Deselect this checkbox if you want to use different headers and footers for this section.
Left and right pages are different: When this checkbox is selected in a document using facing pages, the headers and footers on left and right pages can be different. See in the Set up facing pages.
Set the distance from the top and bottom page margins: Click the arrows or enter values in the Top and Bottom fields (below the Header and Footer checkboxes).
Show or hide the header and footer for a single page: Click in a corner of the document (so nothing is selected), click toolbar, then choose an image from Photos or another source.
Drag the selection handles on the image to resize it.
You can also copy and paste an image into the header and footer.
Turning headers or footers off removes the content from all headers and footers in your document.
In the Document Add page numbers in Pages on MacSet up facing pages in Pages documents on Mac