For pie or donut charts: Click the Wedges or Segments tab.
For other chart types: Click the Series tab.
To add value labels and choose the format for the value (for example, Number, Currency, or Percentage), do one of the following:
For pie or donut charts: Select the Values checkbox, then click the disclosure arrow next to the Value Data Format pop-up menu and choose an option.
You can also display data labels in pie charts and donut charts by selecting the Data Point Names checkbox.
For bubble charts: Click the disclosure arrow next to Bubble Labels, select the checkbox next to Values, then click the Value Data Format pop-up menu and choose an option.
For scatter charts: Click the disclosure arrow next to Value Labels, select the checkbox next to Values, then click the Value Data Format pop-up menu and choose an option.
For other types of charts: Click the disclosure arrow next to Value Labels, then click the pop-up menu below and choose an option.
If you want the value labels to match the format of the original data in the table, choose Same as Source Data.
Tip: To add a value label to just one item in a chart—for example, one wedge in a pie chart—first select the item, then add the value label.
Fine-tune the value labels (these controls are available only for some chart types):
Set the number of decimal places: Click the up or down arrow.
Choose how to display negative numbers: Choose “-100” or “(100).”
Show the thousands separator: Select the Thousands Separator checkbox.
Add a prefix or suffix: Enter text. It’s added to the beginning or end of the label.
Specify where labels appear: Click the Location pop-up menu and choose an option, such as Top, Middle, Above, or Inside (the options depend on your chart type).
When you create a chart, Auto-Fit is automatically turned on to prevent value labels from overlapping. To see all value labels, deselect the Auto-Fit checkbox. (Not all charts have an Auto-Fit checkbox.)
To change the font, color, and style of the labels, click any value or data label on the chart, then use the controls in the Font section of the sidebar to make changes.
To change the look of labels for just one Modify chart data in Pages on MacChange the look of bars, wedges, and more in Pages on Mac