Click to select an existing line on a page.
To edit the line’s shape or position, do any of the following:
Move the line: Click anywhere on the line, then drag it to where you want it.
Change the line length or rotation: Drag the white squares on the ends of the line.
Adjust the arc of a curved line: Drag the green dot in the middle of the line.
To modify the line’s appearance, in the Format Add borders and rules (lines).
You can edit a curved line to add right-angle corners or curves. As you edit, you can quickly change corners to curves and vice versa.
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If you don’t see the buttons, make sure you selected a line with an editing point between the endpoints.
To change the position of the angles or the curve, drag the green dot.
You can join two objects with a curved, straight, or right-angle connection line. If you move one or more connected objects, they remain joined by the line. This is especially useful if you’re creating a flowchart.
Before you do this task, add two or more objects to the page that you want to connect.
Go to the Pages app Use object styles in Pages on MacPosition and align objects in Pages on Mac