In the Format select multiple objects.
In the Format sidebar, click the Style tab.
Click the color well next to Fill, then drag the fill in the Current Fill well to another well to replace its fill.
You can drag only to a well of the same type. For example, if the custom fill is a gradient, drag the fill in the Current Fill well to a well in the Gradient Fills section.
To change which types of fills you can replace, click the Fill Type pop-up menu, then select a different option. For example, if you want to save a gradient fill, click the pop-up menu, select Gradient Fill, then drag the fill in the Current Fill well to a well in the Gradient Fills section.
Click a shape or text box with a color or image fill to select it, or create your own style to use again.
Tip: You can also change the color of lines, shadows, borders, text, and more; whenever you see a color well in the sidebar, you can click it to add color to whatever is selected on the page.