To choose where to save the exported copy, click the Where pop-up menu, choose a location, then click Export.
To make it possible to read your document in an ebook reader (such as Apple Books), you can export it in EPUB format.
Open the document, then choose File > Export To > EPUB (from the File menu at the top of your screen).
Enter the requested information:
Title and Author: Enter the title and author you want viewers to see if you publish it.
Cover: Use the first page of the document or choose a PDF or image file.
Layout: For a word-processing document, you can choose “Fixed layout” to preserve the layout of the page, or Reflowable so readers can adjust the font size and style (which may change how much content is visible on each page). Page layout documents can use only a fixed layout.
Category and Language: Click Advanced Options, then assign a category for the EPUB document and indicate the language of the document.
View As: Click Advanced Options, then choose Single Page to show one page at a time, or Two Pages to show a two-page spread.
Use Table of Contents: Click Advanced Options, then choose Use Table of Contents if you want to include the table of contents you created.
Embed Fonts: Click Advanced Options, then select the checkbox to include TrueType and OpenType fonts in your EPUB document.
Click Next, then type a name for the document.
The filename extension .epub is automatically appended to the document name.
Enter one or more Send a document in Pages on Mac