Returning items you bought from Microsoft for exchange or refund
Applies ToMicrosoft Store Microsoft account Microsoft account dashboard

If you purchased a product from Microsoft, you may be able to request a refund, exchange or a return.

Digital goods like apps, games, add-on content, subscriptions, movies, TV shows, and books aren't returnable unless the offer for applicable law states that you're eligible for a refund. For detailed info about return and refund policies, see Microsoft Terms of Sale.

  1. You can request a refund on your Xbox order history page. Open Order history

  2. Select the relevant item and choose Request a refund.

  3. Provide the reasons for your request and select Next.

  4. If everything is correct, select Submit.

When you request a refund, it may take 72 hours to process the request. We'll contact you with updates, or you can check the Refund status tab.


  • If you don't recognize a charge on your account, you can now investigate it on the Learn more.

  • To download new games, Order history.

  • Single items from within a bundle cannot be returned.

  • In Australia, this return information does not affect any remedy you may have under the Australian Consumer Law. Please refer to Microsoft and the Australian Consumer Law for details of your rights under the Australian Consumer Law.

  • If you see we've issued the refund, but the money hasn't been credited back to your payment provider, please wait a few days. Refunds are generally processed within 3–5 business days and are applied to the original payment option.

  • Digital gift cards and service/subscription cards may also be eligible for return. For detailed info about the return and refund policy, see Microsoft Terms of Sale.

  • Microsoft will not accept returns of purchases of Microsoft products or other products purchased from another retailer.

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