It's another late night on the Internet. You scroll through video after video. Are you killing time or is time killing you? And then the Algorithm puts it in front of you. A thumbnail of a young man with a SHOCKED expression; he's standing in front of a fancy car, holding a wad of cash in one hand and a dictionary in the other. "I MADE HOW MUCH MONEY JUST USING WORDS?????" both the video title and the large arrow above his head exclaim.
"Yes - I wonder how much you made using just words" you think as you click through. Soon, this nice young man with no ulterior motive or affiliate marketing revenue teaches you about the new Market for Vowels, a free market utopia where you can arbitrage the English language for profit. Maybe you can even strike it rich like him! The mere thought causes your face to involuntarily contort into the same joyous but shocked as expression as the video thumbnail.
As dawn breaks, you run out to buy the equipment you'll need for your new day-trading "hobby" (but not a Bloomberg terminal - you can't afford all those vowels!).
Created for Windows, PuzzleMade with English Inputs Gamepad (any)
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