| 恒久的
| `RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc3229$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 12.5.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2324: Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)@~IANA-go/rfc2324$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~list$
| `RFC 8942, Section 3.1: HTTP Client Hints@~IANA-go/rfc8942$r
| 非推奨d
| `RFC9110, Section 12.5.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7089: HTTP Framework for Time-Based Access to Resource States -- Memento@~IANA-go/rfc7089$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 12.5.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc2295$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 12.5.4: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 5789: PATCH Method for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc5789$r
| 恒久的
| `Linked Data Platform 1.0@~TR/ldp$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 14.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9421, Section 5.1: HTTP Message Signatures@~IANA-go/rfc9421$r
| 廃用d
| `Access Control for Cross-site Requests@~TR/2007/WD-access-control-20071126/#access-control0$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-allow-credentials$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-allow-headers$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-allow-methods$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-allow-origin$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-expose-headers$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-max-age$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-request-headers$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#http-access-control-request-method$r
| 暫定的
| `~sf~item$
| `Storage Access Headers@https://privacycg.github.io/storage-access-headers$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9111, Section 5.1: HTTP Caching@~IANA-go/rfc9111$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.2.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7639, Section 2: The ALPN HTTP Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc7639$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7838: HTTP Alternative Services@~IANA-go/rfc7838$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7838: HTTP Alternative Services@~IANA-go/rfc7838$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc2295$r
| 暫定的
| `AMP-Cache-Transform HTTP request header@https://github.com/ampproject/amphtml/blob/main/docs/spec/amp-cache-transform.md$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4437: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Redirect Reference Resources@~IANA-go/rfc4437$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8053, Section 4: HTTP Authentication Extensions for Interactive Clients@~IANA-go/rfc8053$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 11.6.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 11.6.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
`Available-Dictionary^h |
| `RFC-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary-19, Section 2.2: Compression Dictionary Transport@~IANA-go/draft-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary-19$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework@~IANA-go/rfc2774$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework@~IANA-go/rfc2774$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework@~IANA-go/rfc2774$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 廃用d
| `PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP@~TR/WD-http-pep$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 非推奨d
| `PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP@~TR/WD-http-pep$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9111, Section 5.2@~IANA-go/rfc9111$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~list$
| `RFC9211: The Cache-Status HTTP Response Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc9211$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8607, Section 5.1: Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Managed Attachments@~IANA-go/rfc8607$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7809, Section 7.1: Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV): Time Zones by Reference@~IANA-go/rfc7809$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9297@~IANA-go/rfc9297$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf辞書$
| `RFC9213: Targeted HTTP Cache Control@~IANA-go/rfc9213$r
Cache directives targeted at content delivery networks
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8586: Loop Detection in Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)@~IANA-go/rfc8586$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8739, Section 3.3: Support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) Certificates in the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)@~IANA-go/rfc8739$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8739, Section 3.3: Support for Short-Term, Automatically Renewed (STAR) Certificates in the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)@~IANA-go/rfc8739$r
| 恒久的
| `Clear Site Data@~TR/clear-site-data/#header$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `RFC9440, Section 2: Client-Cert HTTP Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc9440$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~list$
| `RFC9440, Section 2: Client-Cert HTTP Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc9440$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9112, Section 9.6: HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc9112$r
| (予約-済み)
| 暫定的
| `CTA$r `CTA-5004 Common Media Client Data@~CTA/cta-5004-final.pdf$r
| 暫定的
| `CTA$r `CTA-5004 Common Media Client Data@~CTA/cta-5004-final.pdf$r
| 暫定的
| `CTA$r `CTA-5004 Common Media Client Data@~CTA/cta-5004-final.pdf$r
| 暫定的
| `CTA$r `CTA-5004 Common Media Client Data@~CTA/cta-5004-final.pdf$r
| 暫定的
| `CTA$r `CTA-5006 Common Media Server Data (CMSD)@~CTA/cta-5006-final.pdf$r
| 暫定的
| `CTA$r `CTA-5006 Common Media Server Data (CMSD)@~CTA/cta-5006-final.pdf$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `RFC9729: The Concealed HTTP Authentication Scheme@~IANA-go/rfc9729$r
| 暫定的
| `OSLC Configuration Management Version 1.0. Part 3: Configuration Specification@https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/config/v1.0/psd01/config-resources.html#configcontext$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 7.6.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2068$r
| `RFC 2616: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2616$r により廃用にされた。
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9530, Section 2: Digest Fields@~IANA-go/rfc9530$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6266: Use of the Content-Disposition Header Field in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)@~IANA-go/rfc6266$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 8.4: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 非推奨d
| `The HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol@~TR/NOTE-drp$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 8.5: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 8.6: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 8.7: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2616, Section 14.15: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2616$r
| `RFC 7231, Appendix B: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content@~IANA-go/rfc7231$r により廃用にされた。
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 14.4: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `HTML 4.01 Specification@~TR/html401$r
| 恒久的
| `Content Security Policy Level 3@~TR/CSP/#csp-header$r
| 恒久的
| `Content Security Policy Level 3@~TR/CSP/#cspro-header$r
| 廃用d
| `HTML 4.01 Specification@~TR/html401$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 8.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2068$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism@~IANA-go/rfc6265$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2965: HTTP State Management Mechanism@~IANA-go/rfc2965$r
| `RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism@~IANA-go/rfc6265$r により廃用にされた。
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/browsers.html#cross-origin-embedder-policy$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/browsers.html#cross-origin-embedder-policy-report-only$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/browsers.html#cross-origin-opener-policy-2$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/browsers.html#cross-origin-opener-policy-report-only$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#cross-origin-resource-policy-header$r
| 暫定的
| `CTA$r `Chris_Lemmons@#Chris_Lemmons$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 5323: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) SEARCH@~IANA-go/rfc5323$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 6.6.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)@~IANA-go/rfc4918$r
| 廃用d
| `HTML 4.01 Specification@~TR/html401$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc3229$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `RFC-ietf-httpapi-deprecation-header-09, Section 2: The Deprecation HTTP Response Header Field@~IANA-go/draft-ietf-httpapi-deprecation-header-09$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)@~IANA-go/rfc4918$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2068$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)@~IANA-go/rfc4918$r
| 非推奨d
| `The HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol@~TR/NOTE-drp$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary-19, Section 2.3: Compression Dictionary Transport@~IANA-go/draft-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary-19$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 3230: Instance Digests in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc3230$r
| `RFC 9530, Section 1.3: Digest Fields@~IANA-go/rfc9530$r により廃用にされた。
| 恒久的
| `RFC9449: OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)@~IANA-go/rfc9449$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9449: OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP)@~IANA-go/rfc9449$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8470: Using Early Data in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc8470$r
| 暫定的
| `RFC 6017: Electronic Data Interchange - Internet Integration (EDIINT) Features Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc6017$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 8.8.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.1.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 非推奨d
| `RFC9163: Expect-CT Extension for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc9163$r
| `IESG@https://www6.ietf.org/iesg/minutes/2024/minutes-2024-01-18.txt$r `HTTPBIS@https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/httpbisa/XpAWZsIre5WAte3lXGTh6A77sok$r により廃用にされた。
| 恒久的
| `RFC9111, Section 5.3: HTTP Caching@~IANA-go/rfc9111$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework@~IANA-go/rfc2774$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7239: Forwarded HTTP Extension@~IANA-go/rfc7239$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.1.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `Implementation of OPS Over HTTP@~TR/NOTE-OPS-OverHTTP$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7486, Section 6.1.1: HTTP Origin-Bound Authentication (HOBA)@~IANA-go/rfc7486$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 7.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 7540, Section 3.2.1: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2)@~IANA-go/rfc7540$r
— `RFC9113@~IANA-go/rfc9113$r § 11.1 を見よ。
Obsolete; see Section 11.1 of [RFC9113]
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)@~IANA-go/rfc4918$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 13.1.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 13.1.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 13.1.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 13.1.5: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6338: Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV@~IANA-go/rfc6638$r
| 暫定的
| `~sf~token$
| `Storage Access Headers@https://privacycg.github.io/storage-access-headers$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 13.1.4: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 3229: Delta encoding in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc3229$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8473: Token Binding over HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc8473$r
| 暫定的
| `OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol@http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/v4.01/odata-v4.01-part1-protocol.html#sec_HeaderIsolationODataIsolation$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2068$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 3253: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV: (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)@~IANA-go/rfc3253$r
| 恒久的
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/server-sent-events.html#last-event-id$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 8.8.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8288: Web Linking@~IANA-go/rfc8288$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9652: The Link-Template HTTP Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc9652$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.2.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)@~IANA-go/rfc4918$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework@~IANA-go/rfc2774$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 7.6.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7089: HTTP Framework for Time-Based Access to Resource States -- Memento@~IANA-go/rfc7089$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2227: Simple Hit-Metering and Usage-Limiting for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc2227$r
| 廃用d
| `Access Control for Cross-site Requests@~TR/2007/WD-access-control-20071126/#method-check$r
| 廃用d
| `Access Control for Cross-site Requests@~TR/2007/WD-access-control-20071126/#method-check-expires$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9112, Appendix B.1: HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc9112$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc2295$r
| 恒久的
| `Network Error Logging@https://www.w3.org/TR/network-error-logging/$r
| 恒久的
| `OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol@http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/v4.01/csprd05/part1-protocol/odata-v4.01-csprd05-part1-protocol.html#_Toc14172735$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 恒久的
| `OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol@http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/v4.01/odata-v4.01-part1-protocol.html#sec_HeaderIsolationODataIsolation$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 恒久的
| `OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol@http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/v4.01/odata-v4.01-part1-protocol.html#sec_HeaderODataMaxVersion$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 恒久的
| `OData Version 4.01 Part 1: Protocol@http://docs.oasis-open.org/odata/v4.01/odata-v4.01-part1-protocol.html#sec_HeaderODataVersion$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2774: An HTTP Extension Framework@~IANA-go/rfc2774$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8053, Section 3: HTTP Authentication Extensions for Interactive Clients@~IANA-go/rfc8053$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 3648: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc3648$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6454: The Web Origin Concept@~IANA-go/rfc6454$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~item$
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/browsers.html#origin-agent-cluster$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8613, Section 11.1: Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE)@~IANA-go/rfc8613$r
| 恒久的
| `OASIS Project Specification 01@https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/core/v3.0/oslc-core.html$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)@~IANA-go/rfc4918$r
| 廃用d
| `The Platform for Privacy Preferences 1.0 (P3P1.0) Specification@~TR/P3P$r
| 廃用d
| `PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP@~TR/WD-http-pep$r
| 廃用d
| `PEP - an Extension Mechanism for HTTP@~TR/WD-http-pep$r
| 暫定的
| `Permissions Policy@https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-permissions-policy$r
| 廃用d
| `PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols@~TR/REC-PICS-labels-961031$r
| 恒久的
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/links.html#ping-from$r
| 恒久的
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/links.html#ping-to$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 3648: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc3648$r
| 非推奨d
| `RFC9111, Section 5.4: HTTP Caching@~IANA-go/rfc9111$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7240: Prefer Header for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc7240$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7240: Prefer Header for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc7240$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf辞書$
| `RFC9218: Extensible Prioritization Scheme for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc9218$r
| 廃用d
| `Implementation of OPS Over HTTP@~TR/NOTE-OPS-OverHTTP$r
| 廃用d
| `PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols@~TR/REC-PICS-labels-961031$r
| 非推奨d
| `White Paper: Joint Electronic Payment Initiative@~TR/NOTE-jepi$r
| 非推奨d
| `White Paper: Joint Electronic Payment Initiative@~TR/NOTE-jepi$r
| 廃用d
| `PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols@~TR/REC-PICS-labels-961031$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 11.7.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 11.7.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 11.7.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `Notification for Proxy Caches@~TR/WD-proxy.html$r
| 廃用d
| `Notification for Proxy Caches@~TR/WD-proxy.html$r
| 恒久的
| `~sf~list$
| `RFC9209: The Proxy-Status HTTP Response Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc9209$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2068$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7469: Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc7469$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 7469: Public Key Pinning Extension for HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc7469$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 14.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4437: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Redirect Reference Resources@~IANA-go/rfc4437$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.1.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `Access Control for Cross-site Requests@~TR/2007/WD-access-control-20071126/#referer-root$r
| 恒久的
| `Referrer Policy@~TR/referrer-policy/#referrer-policy-header$r
| 恒久的
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/browsing-the-web.html#refresh$r
| 暫定的
| `Repeatable Requests Version 1.0@~RpRq1$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 暫定的
| `Repeatable Requests Version 1.0@~RpRq1$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 暫定的
| `Repeatable Requests Version 1.0@~RpRq1$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 暫定的
| `Repeatable Requests Version 1.0@~RpRq1$r `OASIS$r `Chet_Ensign$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8555, Section 6.5.1: Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)@~IANA-go/rfc8555$r
| 暫定的
| `Reporting API@https://w3c.github.io/reporting/#header$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9530, Section 3: Digest Fields@~IANA-go/rfc9530$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.2.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2310: The Safe Response Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc2310$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6638: Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV@~IANA-go/rfc6638$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6338: Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV@~IANA-go/rfc6638$r
| 暫定的
| `Global Privacy Control (GPC)@https://privacycg.github.io/gpc-spec/$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#sec-purpose-header$r
`Purpose^h, `X-moz^h
Intended to replace the (not registered) Purpose and x-moz headers.
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8473: Token Binding over HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc8473$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc6455$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc6455$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc6455$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc6455$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6455: The WebSocket Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc6455$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2660: The Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc2660$r
| `Status change of HTTP experiments to Historic@~STchangeEH$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.2.4: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `Server Timing@~TR/server-timing/$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism@~IANA-go/rfc6265$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2965: HTTP State Management Mechanism@~IANA-go/rfc2965$r
| `RFC 6265: HTTP State Management Mechanism@~IANA-go/rfc6265$r により廃用にされた。
| 廃用d
| `Implementation of OPS Over HTTP@~TR/NOTE-OPS-OverHTTP$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9421, Section 4.2: HTTP Message Signatures@~IANA-go/rfc9421$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9421, Section 4.1: HTTP Message Signatures@~IANA-go/rfc9421$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 5023: The Atom Publishing Protocol@~IANA-go/rfc5023$r
| 恒久的
| `Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1@~TR/2000/NOTE-SOAP-20000508$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2518: HTTP Extensions for Distributed Authoring -- WEBDAV@~IANA-go/rfc2518$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 6797: HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)@~IANA-go/rfc6797$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8594: The Sunset HTTP Header Field@~IANA-go/rfc8594$r
| 暫定的
| `Edge Architecture Specification@~TR/edge-arch$r
| 暫定的
| `Edge Architecture Specification@~TR/edge-arch$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc2295$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.1.4: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 4918: HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)@~IANA-go/rfc4918$r
| 暫定的
| `Resource Timing Level 1@~TR/resource-timing-1/#timing-allow-origin$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8030, Section 5.4: Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push@~IANA-go/rfc8030$r
| 恒久的
| `Trace Context@~TR/trace-context/#traceparent-header$r
| 恒久的
| `Trace Context@~TR/trace-context/#tracestate-header$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 6.6.2: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9112, Section 6.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9112$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8030, Section 5.2: Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push@~IANA-go/rfc8030$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 7.8: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 8030, Section 5.3: Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push@~IANA-go/rfc8030$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 2068: Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1@~IANA-go/rfc2068$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary-19, Section 2.1: Compression Dictionary Transport@~IANA-go/draft-ietf-httpbis-compression-dictionary-19$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 10.1.5: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 2295: Transparent Content Negotiation in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc2295$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 12.5.5: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 7.6.3: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9530, Section 4: Digest Fields@~IANA-go/rfc9530$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC 3230: Instance Digests in HTTP@~IANA-go/rfc3230$r
| `RFC 9530, Section 1.3: Digest Fields@~IANA-go/rfc9530$r により廃用にされた。
| 恒久的
| `RFC 9530, Section 4: Digest Fields@~IANA-go/rfc9530$r
| 廃用d
| `RFC9111, Section 5.5: HTTP Caching@~IANA-go/rfc9111$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 11.6.1: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| 恒久的
| `Fetch@~FETCHLS#x-content-type-options-header$r
| 恒久的
| `HTML@~HTMLLS/browsing-the-web.html#x-frame-options$r
| 恒久的
| `RFC9110, Section 12.5.5: HTTP Semantics@~IANA-go/rfc9110$r
| (予約-済み)