Welcome to Wordegy. The online multiplayer game that is a combination of word games and strategy games.
How to Play:
When you join, you will be given a random chess piece and hidden word.
You can choose where to move to by clicking on a highlighted tile.
Every 10 seconds, all players will simultaneously move to either their selected tile, or a random one if they didn't select one.
Each tile has 4 random letters. If your hidden word contains any of the letters, everyone will be able to see them as long as you're on the tile.
The letters on the tiles will shuffle randomly every once in a while.
If two or more players move to the same tile on a turn, they will bump into each other and go back to their original location.
If a player bumps into another player, both players will have a random letter from their word permanently revealed and highlighted in yellow.
At any point, you can type in a guess for what another player's hidden word is. If you're right, you will gain 1 point and the other player will have their score reset to 0 and be given a new piece and hidden word.
The 4 grey pieces that are marked 0-3 are bots and will move randomly each turn. They will not guess any words.
This game was made in 48 hours by Brandon Vickrey for the Mix and Game Jam 2020.
All "artwork" was made during the jam. There are no sounds or music.
How to make your own browser-based online multiplayer game:
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/vykri
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyiqbtxcsijI68Dyc8uFmyA
Website - https://vykri.com/
Font - Anonymous Pro, available Vykri