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Lrexlib-2.0.2 Released
Shmuel Zeigerman - 2007-01-30 13:04 - Lrexlib - a binding of regexp libraries Bugfixes + corrections in the manual.
LuaSDL 0.3.0 Released
Kein-Hong Man - 2007-01-30 09:31 - LuaSDL Version 0.3.0 adds default parameters for some calls, and Lua demos for SDL_mixer, SDL_image and SDL_ttf.
LuaJava 1.1 Released
Thiago Ponte - 2007-01-23 20:34 - LuaJava LuaJava is a scripting tool for Java. The goal of this tool is to allow scripts written in Lua to manipulate components developed in Java. LuaJava allows Java components to be accessed from Lua using the same syntax that is used for accessing Lua`s native objects, without any need for declarations or any kind of preprocessing.
C/Invoke-Lua 1.0 Released
Will Weisser - 2007-01-22 10:39 - C/Invoke Lua Binding This release contains many bugfixes in the base library and the Lua binding, as well as support for a new architecture (SPARC). As usual, information and download links are available at http://www.nongnu.org/cinvoke/lua.html.
Lua decNumber Version 19 Released
Doug Currie - 2007-01-17 08:46 - Lua decNumber New feature: a decNumber random number generator based on LFIB4 and tested with (TestU01's) Crush.
This version is built with IBM's decNumber 3.37
LuaForge Statistics |
Hosted Projects: 219 Registered Users: 676
Top Project Downloads |
(244,787) Lua Binaries
(56,126) LuaEdit
(33,583) IUP - Portable User Interface
(23,771) IM - Imaging Toolkit
(22,935) Visual Studio '05 Lua Language Pack
(12,854) LuaInterface
(12,746) CD - Canvas Draw
(12,182) LuaJava
(10,278) Compat-5.1
(9,510) LuaSQL
Highest Ranked Users |
1 - (2.0969) LuaForge Admin
Most Active This Week |
( 100.0% ) Lua Binaries ( 98.8% ) LuaJava ( 97.6% ) CD - Canvas Draw ( 96.3% ) LuaInterface ( 95.1% ) LuaEdit ( 93.9% ) Visual Studio '05 Lua Language Pack ( 92.7% ) LuaJIT ( 91.5% ) LuaSDL ( 90.2% ) Kepler ( 89.0% ) Multiple-Inheritance Class Library ( 87.8% ) IM - Imaging Toolkit ( 86.6% ) IUP - Portable User Interface ( 85.4% ) LuaSocket ( 84.1% ) LuaSQL ( 82.9% ) Copas ( 81.7% ) Inequality Measures ( 80.5% ) Compat-5.1 ( 79.3% ) Lrexlib - a binding of regexp libraries ( 78.0% ) LuaFileSystem ( 76.8% ) LuaX
Recently Registered Projects |
(01/24) Multiple-Inheritance Class Library (01/16) Lua Element Tree (01/12) LuaSDL (01/09) Lua DISLIN (01/06) Tclua (01/04) LPeg: pattern-matching based on PEGs (12/18) Lua HTML Tidy Bindings (12/13) LuaGRAPH (12/03) Cheese (11/25) swirl for the Vortex BEEP toolkit