UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter on
"The Iraqi Threat: How Real Is It?"
Scott Ritter is a former chief weapons inspector for the United
Nations Special Commission in Iraq, the author of Endgame,
and creator of In Shifting Sands, a documentary. He spoke
to full houses in Gulick Theater at St. Lawrence University in Canton
on Tuesday, October 7, 2002, and in Old Snell Auditorium at Clarkson
University in Potsdam the following night. The US Senate and House
held debate on a resolution authorizing military force against Iraq
during both days, and President Bush addressed the nation, making
a case for war on Tuesday.
Ritter's complete address at St. Lawrence
10/7/02 (Real 1:18.38)
Audience Q & A
(questions paraphrased from longer audience remarks)
a) Who will replace Saddam Hussein in any regime change? and b)
how many Iraqi civilians and soldiers were killed in the Gulf War?
If Hussein was indicted for war crimes (as an alternative to war),
could George Bush, Sr. also be indicted? Reply
What is Colin Powell seeking in a new UN resolution. What do we
need one for? Reply
Will any Iraqi weapons of mass destruction left over from the Gulf
War still operate? Reply
Is the US press complicit in a blackout of anti-war coverage? Reply
Please comment on the apparent disconnect between the advisers
of George Bush Sr. and his son's current advisers on Iraq policy?
How much do the interests of corporate America influence President
Bush's Iraq war policy? Reply
Ritter's complete address at Clarkson
10/7/02 (Real 0:55.41)
Audience Q & A
Were you asked to testify before Congress in hearings leading up
to the current debate? Why not? Reply
During the Cuban Missle Crisis, Kennedy showed the evidence on
national TV. Why can't we see the evidence of Iraq's weapons? Reply
a) Did the 9/11 suicide attacker Atta meet with an Iraqi intelligence
officer in Prague? b) Where does Bush's unilateral approach to Iraq
conflict come from, given the multilateral approach favored by his
father's advisers. Reply
Did you receive money from Iraq to make your documentary film
In Shifting Sand? Reply
Did former US Ambassador to Iraq April Glasby "greenlight"
the invasion of Kuwait by telling Hussein that US policy was not
to intervene in Arab vs. Arab conflicts? Reply (audio lost due to
disk changeover) (0:00)
a) Does your 1998 Congressional testimony about the dangers posed
by Iraq contradict your current stance? b) Do you think the anniversary
of September 11 will provide an annual opportunity for stirring
up pro-war sentiment? Reply
Is the current Congressional debate on Iraq a "kangaroo"
process? Why? Reply
If the Bush administration won't listen to you (a conservative
Republican former Marine Corps officer), why would they listen to
the objections of ordinary citizens? Reply
What are your thoughts on Khidir Hamza, author of Saddam's Bombmaker?
Can you justify the continuation of economic sanctions against
Iraq as a legitimate alternative to war? Reply
How does someone with your background find common ground with liberal
Democrats such as Jim McDermott and David Bonyer? Reply
Scott Ritter was brought to the North Country under the auspices
to War.