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Search Engine provided by the Harry S. Truman Library. Our thanks to
Jim Borwick and Dr. Rafee Che Kassim at Project Whistlestop for critical assistance in the implementation of the search function, and to Scott Roley at the Truman Library for facilitating this collaboration.

The Public Papers of the Presidents contain most of the President's public messages, statements, speeches, and news conference remarks. Documents such as Proclamations, Executive Orders, and similar documents that are published in the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations, as required by law, are usually not included for the presidencies of Herbert Hoover through Gerald Ford (1929-1977), but are included beginning with the administration of Jimmy Carter (1977). The documents within the Public Papers are arranged in chronological order. The President delivered the remarks or addresses from Washington, D. C., unless otherwise indicated. The White House in Washington issued statements, messages, and letters unless noted otherwise. (Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, various dates.

Our archives include:
The Messages and Papers of the Presidents1789-1913
Herbert Hoover1929-1933
Franklin D. Roosevelt1933-1945
Harry S. Truman1945-1953
Dwight D. Eisenhower1953-1961
John F. Kennedy1961-1963
Lyndon B. Johnson1963-1969
Richard Nixon1969-1974
Gerald R. Ford1974-1977
Jimmy Carter1977-1981
Ronald Reagan1981-1989
George Bush1989-1993
William J. Clinton1993-2001
George W. Bush2001-2009
Barack Obama2009-present
Randomly Generated Public Paper from Today's Date in History
Herbert Hoover: 1929-33
White House Statement on Discussions With Prime Minister Laval.
October 23rd, 1931

BOTH the President and Premier Laval wish it made clear that the conversations upon which they are engaged are solely in respect of such policies as each of the two governments can develop to expedite recovery from the world economic depression. There is no remote basis whatever for statements as to "demands, .... terms of settlement," or any other like discussions. Happily, there are no controversies to be settled between France and America. None such exist. The sole purpose of these conversations is the earnest, frank exchange of views with view to finding common ground for helpful action in the promotion of constructive progress in the world.

© 1999-2012 - Gerhard Peters - The American Presidency Project

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