@ted_drake@laura_carlson@chaals Great stuff! I look forward to hearing your conclusions, and catching up with you. -
Responsive web design is great, but agree with
@brucel there are times it would be useful to be able to turn off: -
@dennisl@stevefaulkner@LeonieWatson Thanks, Dennis. Will appreciate help when it does go live. -
I've updated the article on WAI-ARIA live regions, as the previous version is no longer relevant: …
Beacon Hill Arts, based in North Tyneside, specialises in working with people with learning disabilities to make films:
@mishu70 I just tried again using VoiceOver on iPhone and again on iPad both using iOS6, but can't recreate issue. I'll keep testing it. -
@mishu70 Thanks for feedback. I checked on iOS6, but couldn't replicate. Can you remember which questions? Some were radio buttons groups. -
@ahiggi Really appreciate the feedback, thank you. I've copied you in on the mail to the person writing the questions. -
@ahiggi Thanks again, and thanks for email address, really appreciate feedback. Will CC you on email to the person who wrote the questions. -
@ahiggi Thanks, that's a very good point. Would you mind if I put you in touch with the person that come up with questions? If so, DM email -
@LeonieWatson But we would appreciate it being publicised when it goes live. -
@LeonieWatson Hi Leonie, Not sure how you heard about this, but this is just a test version and the real version will be hosted at TPG -
@nat0n True. The RNIB's Surf Right Toolbar is a good example of enhancement tool, but agree plenty of room for more: -
@rogerhudson@stevefaulkner Looking forward to meeting you, Roger. -
@LeonieWatson I'm pleased you'll be there. I look forward to finally meeting you, having nearly met you a few times :) -
@brucel I didn't realise that was a career option :-) -
@scenariogirl That's a shame, but hopefully our paths will cross at other events. -
@MarcoInEnglish@stevefaulkner Look forward to seeing you too. It's been a while!
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