
Eleven SPARQL 1.1 Specifications Published

08 November 2012 | Archive

The table of implementations and test results.

The Proposed Recommendations are:

  1. SPARQL 1.1 Overview - Overview of SPARQL 1.1 and the SPARQL 1.1 documents
  2. SPARQL 1.1 Query Language - A query language for RDF data.
  3. SPARQL 1.1 Update - Specifies additions to the query language to allow clients to update stored data
  4. SPARQL 1.1 Query Results JSON Format - How to use JSON for SPARQL query results
  5. SPARQL 1.1 Query Results CSV and TSV Formats - How to use comma-separated values (CVS) and tab-separated values (TSV) for SPARQL query results
  6. SPARQL Query Results XML Format - How to use XML for SPARQL query results. (This contains only minor, editorial updates from SPARQL 1.0, and is actually a Proposed Edited Recommendation.)
  7. SPARQL 1.1 Federated Query - an extension of the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language for executing queries distributed over different SPARQL endpoints.
  8. SPARQL 1.1 Service Description - a method for discovering and a vocabulary for describing SPARQL services.

The following are Candidate Recommendations, as the group still seeks more feedback from implementors:

  1. SPARQL 1.1 Entailment Regimes - defines the semantics of SPARQL queries under entailment regimes such as RDF Schema, OWL, or RIF.
  2. SPARQL 1.1 Protocol for RDF - A protocol defining means for conveying arbitrary SPARQL queries and update requests to a SPARQL service.
  3. SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol - As opposed to the full SPARQL protocol, this specification defines minimal means for managing RDF graph content directly via common HTTP operations.

The group has also produced a Semantic Web.

W3C Launches Pointer Events Working Group

09 November 2012 | Archive

W3C announced today the launch of the Pointer Events Working Group. Web browsers can receive input in a variety of ways. A “pointer” is an abstract form of input that can be any point of contact on a input surface made by a mouse cursor, pen, finger, or multiple fingers. The mission of this group is to define a single unified event model for mouse, touch, and pen/tablet user interfaces. Enabling content creators to use a single model for different input types will make content creation more efficient and inclusive. See the Pointer Events Working Group Charter for more information.

Agenda, Papers Announced for Web and Automotive Workshop

08 November 2012 | Archive

Shift into High Gear on the Web W3C announced today the Shift into High Gear on the Web, W3C's first Web and Automotive Workshop, hosted by Intel Open Source Technology Center, in Rome, Italy on 14-15 November.

People today enjoy applications and services from multiple networked devices. With our increasingly mobile lifestyles, it’s time to include the connected car in this mix. Participants in this workshop will share their own perspectives, requirements, and ideas to ensure that emerging global technology standards meet the needs of the Web and Automotive industries.

The Workshop is also supported through sponsorships from QNX and Webinos.

Online Symposium: Text Customization for Readability

06 November 2012 | Archive

Registration is now open for the online symposium on Text Customization for Readability to be held on 19 November 2012. This symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, and users with disabilities to explore the needs of people with low vision, dyslexia, and other conditions and situations that impact reading. It focuses specifically on text customization requirements and functionality, that is, providing users the ability to change (or personalize) specific aspects of text display to improve readability for their particular needs. For details and registration, see Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

CSS Grid Layout Draft Published

06 November 2012 | Archive

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