
Photo Upload Issue 2 weeks ago
Update: This issue has been resolved.
Some users may be experiencing an issue when uploading a photo. Our engineers are currently working on this issue.
Update: This issue has been resolved.
Some users may be experiencing an issue when uploading a photo. Our engineers are currently working on this issue.
Update: Dec 9, 3:10pm PST
Instagram has disabled photo integration with Twitter. As a result, photos are no longer appearing in Tweets or user photo galleries.
While tweeting links to Instagram photos is still possible, you can no longer view the photos on Twitter, as was previously the case.
Users are experiencing issues with viewing Instagram photos on Twitter. Issues include cropped images. This is due to Instagram disabling its Twitter cards integration, and as a result, photos are being displayed using a pre-cards experience. So, when users click on Tweets with an Instagram link, photos appear cropped.
Update: This issue is now resolved.
Some users may be experiencing a delay with new tweets in their timelines. Our engineers are currently working on this issue.