If you add your phone to Twitter, you can tweet by sending a text message to a short or long code. Sending a text message to any of these short or long code phone numbers will post your message as a Tweet to your Twitter profile (and it will be sent to all of your followers.) Read below to find your country's code.
We currently support two-way Tweets (sending and receiving) via SMS through short codes listed on our supported carriers page. To get started, text the word START or SIGNUP to your mobile carrier's Twitter short code.
If your country and carrier are not listed as having a short code, you can use one of the following one-way long codes to post messages to Twitter only. You will not be able to receive Tweets to your phone through this channel, however.
To test if you have correctly added your phone, send a test Tweet to your long code number (just like sending a normal text message). Then, log in to www.twitter.com via the web to make sure your Tweet shows up on your Twitter profile. If it does, you have correctly added your phone. Once again, you will not be able to receive any texts back from a long code.
If your carrier is not listed on our @twittermobile for more updates.