The day began around 11:47am EST:
Speaking on the Senate floor at length & actively filibustering Brennan’s nomination until further notice Tune into @#filiblizzard
— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 6, 2013
As the hours passed, conversation on Twitter continued to grow. Supporters tweeted with #standwithrand, while others joined the conversation with creative hashtags like #filiblizzard and #paulnighter. Over a million Tweets were sent yesterday about the filibuster.
Senate rules do not permit carrying of digital devices while in the chamber, so Paul’s colleague Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) joined him on the floor to note that “the Twitterverse is blowing up” and read aloud (printed!) Tweets of support:
Reading tweets supporting @#StandWithRand
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) March 7, 2013
Sen. Cruz reading Tweets from all of you meant a lot to me. Protecting the Constitution is everyone's fight.
— Senator Rand Paul (@SenRandPaul) March 7, 2013
Twitter is woven through the DNA of this filibuster, taking an obscure legislative process into the public space.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) March 7, 2013
During the night, Senators and even House members headed to the Senate to witness the filibuster and tweet to constituents to explain the process.
I am heading to the Senate floor to support @#StandWithRand ?
— Richard Hudson (@RepRichHudson) March 7, 2013
No, Rand is not allowed to sit down. “@annaforliberty Can he at least sit down?”
— Justin Amash (@repjustinamash) March 7, 2013
The non-binding resolution that Sen Durbin objected to earlier. Says cant kill Americans on US soil.…
— Rep. Bill Huizenga (@RepHuizenga) March 7, 2013
Then 12 hours, 52 minutes and 11 seconds after Paul first stood up, the filibuster came to a close:
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) March 7, 2013
As the long day ended, an intern caught Sen. Paul exiting the Capitol in the wee hours:
Senator Rand Paul leaving the senate after filibustering for over 12 hours…
— Rachel Kuiper (@RachelKuiper) March 7, 2013
Posted by Bridget Coyne (@bcoyne)
Government Team