personally what id like to see is a bridging app that allows your different gaming networks to intercommunicate.
I haven’t done any look into APIs or anything but what I thought would be great is a basic social/gaming community app that connects to you different gaming accounts. then say you’re playing on steam and another friend gets on PS4 or their Xbox and starts playing. if both their psn/xbla and steam accounts are connected to the network, it would update their status as to what they are playing not only on the network but also on their steam account (with their consent obviously). from there depending on what Apis do what,you could possibly provide intercommunication between platforms.
so far though I think xbox is the only gaming network that might support this
But does the back-light glow green?
I always heard that the creative players were the closest thing to the illusive "iPod Killer" back in the day. although that was usually the higher end ones like the vision M
I had one of these too. it was a crappy Walmart one but it had a mechanical "jog" wheel on to switch between tracks/folders. i couldn’t find a picture of it though. I think it was branded under venturer
I’ve always heard that Porta Pros were good but I didn’t like their use of foam pads which tend to degrade. does their sound really make up for it? would wrapping the foam in some sort of synthetic material mess with the sound too much ?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]--> People claiming to have solutions to non-descriptive generic questions
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->Stopping people from auto generating a series of generic questions under the guise of "Asking for help"
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]--> Yes. I would like people to come clean about their intent instead of posting generic forum topics to some unknown end
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]--> No. But I feel that there may be a lack of a person involved in posting this forum topic given its generic nature and use of
<!--[if !supportLists]-->- <!--[endif]-->
instead of
Intel Core 2 quad (from a 2008 dell dimension, don’t know the clock speed off the top of my head)
4Gb of ram ( I think they’re Kingston)
Zotac Nvidia GeForce 240
120 Gb Kingston SSD ( think its a v300)
500 Gb Western Digital Blue
Asus Motherboard
Logitech X-530 Speaker system
Logitech Wave Keyboard and Mouse combo (pre-Unifying)
Logitech C600 webcam
Philips 1600X1200 monitor
HP DVD burner (With LIGHTSCRIBE !!)
LG DVD burner
And some random ass POS case
My computer is a majestic pile of old crap
Why is it scissor vodka and not razor vodka
Razor sounds more edgy and can still "Cut Though the Night"
I think the reason was mentioned briefly in the vergecast where Nilay first made this shit up, but that was so long ago that I’m not sure.
I thought Emmerich was making sequel to another one of his movies
Fair enough.
Personally, the only music I’ve heard from them recently sounded like vapid garbage IMO.
To each their own I guess.
I have a question (well two).
When did Fall Out Boy become relevant enough to warrant hating.
Are we back in 2005?