We have better commenters here on The Verge than over there at Cnet ahahahah
Would that Chromebook happen to be a Pixel by any chance? If so, it’s even more of an unfair comparison since Google built the hardware too.
Thanks, but I, and many people alike do know about this. The point I wanted to get across in my article, however unsuccessful, was that maybe Microsoft can hide the Recycle Bin icon on desktop by default in Windows 10.
In my opinion, the Recycle Bin looks most appropriate when placed in the Quick launch, or maybe Minibin should just be installed by default haha
(Thanks to catonkatonk for educating me about Minibin)
P.S. Chrome OS doesn’t have a Recycle Bin/Trash. Make of that what you will.
Yes, Chrome OS is not used for mission critical computing, but it is used by teachers. I quote your own statement, "because you don’t use your computer for anything all that "important," the way a Banker, Accountant, Teacher, etc. does" when referring to why idiots like me "don’t like" or "don’t use" the Recycle Bin. I don’t know what Google is trying to say, because Google Drive does have a bin folder.
To be blatantly obvious, I do use the Trash folder on Mac which is exactly the same. I use it because I have to. My article is titled, "Is the concept of the Recycle Bin outdated?", not "fucking get rid of the Recycle Bin right now". In responding to my post, you have yet to answer that question, instead of just listing reasons why the Recycle Bin is the most important part of Windows, and insinuating that I’m an idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Then you should have at least looked at the properties pane for it.
Blimey I said it was my fault. You want me to give a public apology too?
Okay, don’t remove the Recycle Bin then. Still Microsoft shouldn’t put it as an icon on the desktop, or does it need to be there because normal people won’t find it if it’s placed anywhere else? You seem very comfortable speaking on behalf of the majority of Windows users, maybe you can tell me what they think about having a legacy thing from Windows 95 (as you put so eloquently) on the first thing they see when they log in to their Windows 10 tablet.
The problem is Windows is out of place on those devices.
I should’ve guessed that was your premise for keeping the Recycle Bin. Time will tell whether Apple decides to follow through with combining iOS and macOS, and I don’t have an opinion either way. It seems many people on these forums hope for that, especially in the comments of the recent article about the iPad Pro ad.
Firstly, I am the OP, you moron.
You can say "I don’t see why you think you have a point" all you like, this seems like a classic difference of opinion, which is fine.
I tried really hard to understand what you were saying about macOS, but your jumble of ideas lost me halfway through. I know how file deletion works on macOS, after all I use a Mac, so it seems like you’re just stating the obvious. Besides, not everyone uses Time Machine. I’d appreciate it if you explained it, or don’t.
It’s not about what people look at. It’s about them looking for a file and realizing it’s not there and saying "oh crap, I think I deleted it."
If they were to realise immediately anyway that they didn’t actually want to delete that file, then a simple confirmation dialog would suffice. Computers shouldn’t be used by idiots that go around willy nilly highlighting files and holding their finger on the delete key.
Even if someone says "oh crap, I think I deleted it", if they happened to empty the Recycle Bin a week ago, they would be shit out of luck. People cannot possibly predict their future actions precisely, so the Recycle Bin solves the sum total of nothing. The only way you could consistently retrieve accidentally deleted files from the Recycle Bin would be if you never emptied it, in which case Microsoft shouldn’t call it a fucking Recycle Bin.
How will you know if a file you just deleted will actually be useful in 10 years? Are you suggesting that people should never delete files to prevent unwanted deletion?
I read somewhere on the HTC 10 you can turn off the capacitive buttons and use on-screen buttons instead, like the OnePlus 2, 3 and X.
IMO if you deleted your porn stash in a wave of guilt, maybe it should stay deleted.
Well then you’ve just turned this into a philosophical debate about whether it is better to be safe than sorry.
I understand your point of view, but deleting a QuickBooks data file still requires confirmation from the user, if no recycling bin exists.
Do a large number of people delete things by mistake on a regular basis? Does the Recycle Bin prevent the loss of data that a user didn’t mean to get rid of? I don’t know. I do know people who don’t even open the Recycle Bin to see what’s in it. All they look at is the icon: if the icon is full, they right click and empty the Recycle Bin.
The example from iOS that the OP used was beyond horrible.
Care to explain?
"I don’t like it" or "I don’t use it" (because you don’t use your computer for anything all that "important," the way a Banker, Accountant, Teacher, etc. does) is not a good rationale for removing it.
What a pointless statement. I never said the reason that the Recycle Bin should be removed was because I personally don’t like it. Just because I’m not a banker, accountant or teacher does not mean I couldn’t possibly fathom the pros of having a Recycle Bin in the first place. It’s not difficult to understand the function of the Recycle Bin, or why it is there. My post merely tries to state that for an OS that is meant to be tablet-oriented too, the concept of the Recycle Bin, especially when placed as a god damn icon on the desktop, doesn’t make a lot of sense.
If you don’t use it, then set it to Skip Recycling bin when deleting and remove the icon. Voila, you’ve got your way.
Yes, this is failure on my part. I didn’t know about this before writing this post.
Even if by some miraculous stroke Microsoft does remove the Recycle Bin, it’s still going to hang around for legacy purposes, so all you people who are vehemently opposed to change won’t have anything to complain about.
Sure, that makes sense. I mean the Win32/legacy environment is still useful for some consumers, and enterprise still relies on this. By that logic, there should be UWP file browser to complement the UWP side of Windows, without the Recycle Bin. (I think I said this in my post, but probably not very succinctly.)
Yep, choice is good. You should go LG if you want this option between left and right, they are about the only OEM that give you the choice.
You do realize rm and srm, two of the (probably) most used CLI commands in Linux, or the del command in DOS, don’t move files to a ‘Recycle Bin’ first right?
The Recycle Bin is not exactly a revolutionary improvement.
I mean Microsoft could always keep the Recycle Bin for legacy use for those enterprise customers working on their mission-critical applications.
Also, shouldn’t deleting things work, by extension, the same way on both W10 and W10M? Microsoft keeps on saying how it’s one Windows after all. Does the Xbox have a Recycle Bin?
On Windows 10 Mobile, you also have "Unistall", which is a one way 2 tap step.
Yeah I was only talking about Windows 10, because of course this has to exist on W10M. That would be the behaviour that users expect from their phone.
No I didn’t. I just went and found it though, it’s quite easy to find that I’m shocked I never knew about it.
I’m predominately a Mac user, and everything gets moved to the Trash regardless, so I never realised this existed on Windows.
The only reason I wrote this post about the Recycle Bin and Windows instead of about Mac was because there is a 0% chance that Apple will get rid of the Trash folder.
Even with the icon hidden, you’d still need to periodically empty the Recycle Bin as it fills up?
Remembering this extra step is the equivalent of me having to take my bag of rubbish out to the bin outside my house, which makes sense in real life, but less sense when everything is virtual.