Facebook wants videos on its platform to live on as many screens as possible, so the social network has added Apple TV and Chromecast support starting today. Now, when you watch a video on Facebook using your smartphone, you’ll see a small button in the upper righthand corner that, when tapped, will let you send the video to a supported device hooked up to your television. Facebook is starting with Apple TV and Chromecast for now, with the feature live for iOS users. It plans to deliver Chromecast support for Android users some time soon.
This is just one small step in Facebook’s grander video ambitions. The company has invested significant resources into transforming the News Feed into a place to digest all sorts of video, be it live-streamed clips from a stranger’s mobile phone to professionally edited videos crafted by news organizations. Adding streaming support to watch these videos on larger displays is an obvious choice to increase consumption. For Facebook Live videos, you’ll be able to see reactions on your TV screen, as well as browse other parts of Facebook on your phone while the video continues playing.
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