@dami_lee is blocked

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  1. Pinned Tweet
  2. Share the most nostalgic, prized possessions you stumble upon in your childhood home!!

  3. Missy Elliott would be a fun guest to have for Thanksgiving bc she'd be like "pass that dutch" instead of "pass the gravy" ha ha send tweet

  4. Me picking up the cheque this Thanksgiving

  5. Which baby is more real? A Cabbage Patch Kids BABY SO REAL© with LCD eyes or 's actual baby?

  6. Step aside, DOG LENS, there's a new thot filter in town

  7. More designs added to the shop! Now that's what I call OPTIONS!!!

  8. I feel like the media should hold on reporting every one of Trump's antics & just do like daily round-ups on what he settled on that day

  9. I wholeheartedly believe this is the best post on tumblr

  10. The wonderful sent me a coded holiday card and I'm touched and PERPLEXED!!!

  11. So heckin' cute!!

  12. lol what even is a newspaper, I only have time for snapchat and this HOODIE!!!

  13. Be nice to your phones, y'all

  14. Where was the silicon valley tech bro developer they had to fly out to Montana to make that sweet heptopod translation iOS app in !!

  15. Some more HOT options

  16. Hello friends and welcome to the As Per Usual merch store!!! Get yer fried egg sweatshirts here pic.twitter.com/5YNyFzbcDo

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