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Mossberg: Facebook can and should wipe out fake news

Totally false news isn’t a new thing in the United States. In our fourth presidential election, in 1800, two of our most brilliant founders — John Adams and Thomas Jefferson — faced off in a vicious campaign that involved newspaper editors on the...

Mossberg: Running Windows 10 and macOS Sierra together

I’m writing this paragraph in Word for Windows on Windows 10. The process is as smooth as you’d expect on PC hardware built for Windows, with no hesitation or freezing, and all the features are enabled. But I’m not using a Windows PC; I’m using a...

Mossberg: Apple, the king of tech taste and daring, takes a breather

At this week’s annual Apple iPhone intro event, the hall was packed, as usual. As always, the program featured gorgeous photos and videos, impressive charts, a few demos, surprise guests, and dramatic claims of improved product performance and...

Alphabet and Google's very bad no good summer

Let's review what’s been happening at Alphabet in the past months. We’ve been seeing a lot of bad news come out lately, and I figured it’s time to try to make sense of it all — or at least to put all of the bad news in one place. The very latest...

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Mossberg: The 9.7-inch iPad Pro might be your lightest laptop, thanks to Logitech

When the iPad came out in 2010, I wrote that it might upend the laptop if it could perform enough of the scenarios a user performed on his or her laptop, using its modern, full-screen, touch-centric software. For me, personally, it performed quite...

Credit card companies are blowing it with chip payments

Today I did two things I do nearly every day. 1) I bought something using a credit card, and 2) I complained about something on Twitter. But today, the complaint on Twitter was related to payments, and now my replies are blowing up. They’re...

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Mossberg: I just deleted half my iPhone apps — you should too

Over the past few days, I’ve methodically deleted 165 apps from my iPhone, about 54 percent of the 305 apps I had on the phone when I started culling the herd. When I was done, I had significantly decreased the phone’s clutter.

The Internet of Things has a dirty little secret: it's not really yours

The Internet of Shit is a column about all the shitty things we try to connect to the internet, and what can be done about it. It’s from the anonymous creator of the Internet of Shit Twitter account. If you pay any attention at all to technology...

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Google is making better apps for the iPhone than for Android

Here’s a thing I didn’t really expect to write: I’m finding that I enjoy Google’s apps more on iOS than I do on Android. Or more specifically: I think that there’s more interesting innovation coming out of Google’s iOS app teams than on Android —...

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Mossberg: The tyranny of messaging and notifications

Up until just a few years ago, I got around 350 emails a day, which presented me with an exhausting, time-consuming daily task that I grumbled about plenty. Now, because of social media and messaging services, that number has been cut by more than...

Mossberg: HP aims at the Mac with super-slim laptop

For years, Apple’s Macintosh computers, while far from the biggest sellers, have been riding high. They’ve managed to outperform a sinking Windows PC market in most quarters, even if modestly. Mac laptops are potent sellers in the lucrative...

Mossberg: A smart new email app for the iPhone

Once, Apple’s built-in Mail app for iOS was a revelation. It was easy to use, yet rich with features, like simple account setup, in-line photos, fast search, a good junk mail filter, the ability to handle all the major email services, and more....

GM design chief Ed Welburn on his 44-year legacy and the high-tech future of the connected car

When Ed Welburn retires from his post as General Motors' global design chief this July, he'll be leaving behind a 44-year legacy that cuts right through the most turbulent era in GM's long history. There was the culling of the Pontiac, Oldsmobile,...

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Twitter doesn't want to be a 'Social Networking' app anymore

It's very tempting to read into this: on the iOS App Store, Twitter is now categorizing itself as a "News" app instead of a "Social Networking" app. So excuse me while I give in to temptation. Sarah Perez over at TechCrunch has a very cogent and...

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Mossberg: When gadgets were king

For the past nine years or so, the smartphone has been such an amazing, versatile, powerful digital gadget that the industry's desire to create other devices to complement the personal computer seemed to wane.

Kill the cars you love the most

In 2002, right around the very peak of Mini revival mania, I walked into a suburban Chicago Mini dealership. It was more out of curiosity than anything else; I hadn't seen the new Mini up close, and I suppose I had some idle curiosity in just how...

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Yes, Tesla, I would like an instrument cluster

As much ink has been spilled over the Tesla Model 3 in the past two weeks, we actually don't know much about it. In fact, we know shockingly little! That's exactly how Elon Musk likes it, I think. Mystery feeds hype, after all — and having...

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Why the iPhone sometimes feels stuck in the past

For all the advancements that Apple has made with iOS over the years, it still can feel like an old RAZR sometimes.

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Mossberg: Slack beats email, but still needs to get better

Not long ago, discussions of the modern workplace were colored by complaints about the tyranny of email. Then along came Slack, a new approach to internal communications based on the idea of chat rooms. Slack spread through businesses like...

Mossberg: Vivaldi is a new desktop browser for power users

There’s a new desktop browser launching today. It’s called Vivaldi, and it’s explicitly for power users — people who like to customize their browsers to the greatest extent, who value the longest list of features. It’s from Vivaldi Technologies, a...

Why is the Tesla Model 3's dashboard so weird?

Judging from the $200 million in deposits Tesla has already raked in, the Model 3 has quickly found its fans in the last 24 hours — so quickly, in fact, that Elon Musk is openly wondering how he'll make all those cars. Don't get me wrong, the car...

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You can have your Lambo and your Lyft, too

Auto shows tend to be pragmatic affairs: they're usually arranged and promoted by local dealer associations with the simple, straightforward hope of bringing in people who need to buy a new car sometime in the next year. Yes, there are concept...

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Smartwatches and the three-second rule

Smartwatches are still in their PDA phase. That seems like a pretty obvious conclusion when you give the category of wearables even a moment’s thought. Personal Digital Assistants like the Palm Pilot or Pocket PCs or even Apple’s Newton were...

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The Division is a cathartic comedy about terrorism in NYC

I can summarize 20 hours in The Division, the Grimdark multiplayer game set in a post-terror attack New York City, with an anecdote. Early in my journey, a colleague and I stumbled across an arresting recreation of the World Trade Center subway...

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The iPhone 7 had better be spectacular

One day this fall, if things occur as usual, Apple will stage a big event to introduce the next flagship iPhone. And, based on the events of this month, that smartphone had better be great.

Lessons to learn from my Mexican phone theft nightmare

My mom and I vacationed in Mexico last week. Our ~girl’s trip~ started pretty great. We laid on the beach, sipped on mineral water with lime (detox!), and vegged. On our third day, though, the trip took a very not cool turn. Someone broke into our...

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Ask Stoya: what is it like to be sexually aroused?

The internet and technology have totally changed sex and relationships, we know you — you adults, anyway, this column is not for children! — have questions about the world of sex. In order to answer them, we've asked our friend Stoya — a...

New York Auto Show preview: here’s what cars to expect next week

The New York International Auto Show (NYIAS) starts next Wednesday the 23rd, and while it's not the biggest show of the year, it inevitably brings a few interesting surprises: last year, for instance, we saw the debut of the lovely McLaren 570S,...

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Are we together or are we alone?

What can I tell you about the 20 hours I spent running through primeval forests, chasing down a saber-toothed tiger?I can tell you that it was different for me than it was for the vast majority of people who have played Far Cry Primal. Because for...

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Mossberg: The false debate between open and closed in tech

Just as in politics, there are passionate, long-running disputes in tech. And, in one such never-ending argument, the weapons used are the words "open" and "closed." Open is usually considered good, and closed is bad. But it turns out these words,...

Samsung’s Galaxy S7 makes it a design leader

When Nokia’s cellphone star faded, it was Samsung that stepped into the role of the world’s biggest phone vendor while others took over the mantle of being design leaders. The most copied designs today still come from Apple, but now that Samsung...

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The Angry God of ARPU demands crapware

Ten years ago, I attended a panel of cell phone executives talking about the mobile industry. Yes, it sounds like a snoozer and in many ways it was, but I perked up when a tall nordic man began telling us a story about the Angry God of ARPU. I...

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