Okay, but here’s what the piece actually says:
The PayPal co-founder has become one of the most controversial figures in Silicon Valley, thanks to his unusual and often alarming political views, as well as a recently revealed crusade to bankrupt Gawker Media through frivolous litigation, waged secretly over the course of a decade.
Again, didn’t say anything about the moral status of Gawker. I hear you saying that his efforts to destroy Gawker were good — that’s your opinion, man — but it seems pretty obvious that they were controversial.
Not at all because he’s a Republican. He’s written that democracy is publicly questioned women’s suffrage. Both are alarming views not held by any major Republicans I’m aware of, including Trump.
Nope, Gizmodo is here. Hope you’ll give us a shot, though!
Just to be clear: what part of the description are you claiming is inaccurate? Are you disputing that the bulk of the lawsuits were frivolous? Remember that Hogan was not the only plaintiff — others included has admitted as much.
If you’re glad it happened, that’s your right. It doesn’t change what happened.
Gone too soon
how did he get the mouth to sync up tho