As I watch a sandwich secrete sweet goop, I am reminded of a website I love. The fun (but crudely named) This is why you’re fat Reddit, if not the original site.
Like the regular McDonald’s burger, the Sweety con Nutella is smaller than it appears in pictures, though it still finds enough room to fit 256 calories per serving. If you want to look on the positive side of its nutritional info sheet, the treat does provide 1.9 grams of dietary fiber, so if you devour 13.2 Sweetys, you’d reach your daily fiber intake goal as determined by the American Heart Association.
È arrivata una soffice dolcezza a cui non saprete resistere. Provate subito Sweety con Nutella: morbido pane con un cuore di cremosa golosità!
Posted by Thursday, November 10, 2016
Judging by the overwhelmingly positive reception that the Sweety con Nutella has received on McDonald’s Facebook page, it’s not completely unreasonable to think it might make its way out of Italy and to other chocolate-loving places (which is basically the whole rest of the world). Crazier things have happened. Mostly this year.
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