Andrew LiptakVerified account


Writer with bylines at The Verge, io9, Kirkus Reviews and more. Science Fiction, trilobites, planets, history, costuming.

Joined October 2008

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  1. Pinned Tweet
    , , and 3 others
  2. Watch the first Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer

  3. In which weeks of careful painting goes down the drain.

  4. Terrible news: John Glenn has passed away at the age of 95.

  5. Today's arrivals!

  6. There’s some pretty awesome authors writing for Mass Effect in 2017!

  7. The brands are at it again: some Starbucks stores are turning into Pokémon Go gyms today

  8. George Lucas biography shows how a distrust of studios led to Star Wars

  9. Yes! So excited to burn hours and hours of time on my phone. *sob*

  10. Huh. Joe Haldeman's The Forever War is on sale today for a quarter. How could you not buy it at that price?

  11. US Army will require alternative route for the Dakota Access Pipeline

  12. Lucasfilm shouldn’t rely on other studios to develop the careers of their directors

  13. Luke Cage is coming back for a second season

  14. Virgin Galactic’s second SpaceShipTwo performed its first glide flight

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