Please elaborate on those valuable BB10 functions. If I find them compelling, I’ll go nag Hiroshi Lockheimer to build them into the next version of Android (and get politely ignored, but at least I’ll have tried).
We’re there already:
Also, Apple disowned the straight lines with the iPhone 7 generation.
I can understand if you prefer Android over BB10 because that’s a matter of taste and priorities
I don’t wish to be rude, so I won’t just laugh at this assertion. But no, preferring Android over BB10 is not a matter of taste, it’s a matter of rationality.
but I don’t think the materials and workmanship are even in the same ballpark as the BBs were
Is this based on your own hands-on experience with the device?
If your sarcasm is being misunderstood, why not try sincerity?
Removing the headphone jack from the iPhone is less outrageous than it is inconvenient and annoying. Simiarly for the LeEco and Moto phones that did it ahead of Apple, but didn’t incur quite as much wrath because far fewer people cared to own one of them.
As to Samsung, it hasn’t actually done anything yet. So judge the reaction its actions when they’ve actually taken place (or been confirmed in a more concrete manner than just one source).
If Sammobile’s sources are correct, it will not.
I don’t think Samsung will have anything to swing next year. The west is going to become Pixel-or-iPhone-or-OnePlus land very soon, and the only companies competitive in China will be the locals and Apple.
Literally the first time I’ve come anywhere near to desiring a GE product.
Your point isn’t invalid, friend. But remember that, just as we still have automatic watches that can last decades upon decades, we’ll always have the wired, more conventional headphones to choose from as well. These electronic doodads aren’t a replacement for everyone, they’re another option.
I expect my headphones to last no less than 2 decades.
I admire this level of expectation. How far along in that lifecycle are you with your present headphones?
p.s. SteelSeries does a pair of awful-sounding wireless headphones with swappable (proprietary) batteries. They have cheap-feeling plastic covers and a headband that makes the top of my head hurt. Not saying it can’t be done well, but there doesn’t seem to be huge appetite for such a thing, probably owing to all the inherent compromises.
I’ll make it easy for you (and me, since I have an epic review backlog that doesn’t include the MW50s): buy the Beoplay H6. Their combination of sound, design, and price is not going to be rivalled by a Bluetooth headphone. I’ve had at least 8 people buy the H6s on my advice and they’ve all come back with glowing reviews. You won’t be disappointed.
They’re incoming.
I’m in agreement with Marco. There’s no "wireless H6" yet.
I’m on a 2011 rig with 8GB of RAM and a GTX 980. Alas, late-game turns take eons to process because I haven’t upgraded the storage (SSD for boot, HDD for everything else). I suspect slow storage is the biggest culprit in that situation. Or maybe I should stop playing at Epic speed on Large maps.
What hasn’t crossed the Atlantic by this point? I’m on Twitter to a sufficient degree where I feel like US politics is my politics, US entertainment and sport are my entertainment and sport, and so on. It’s cultural homogenisation on a global scale and we’re all just along for the ride.
(Yes, we’re close to the point where the USA wins a Cultural Civ victory. (Nobody said it had to be good culture.))
Is this the same Reddit that threw its hands up in the air arguing freedom of speech was paramount and there was nothing it could do against racists and Gamergaters using it as a platform?
You’re right and I’m shamed for misusing the word. My failure shall remain here as as an eternal reminder to not comment glibly.