@russellbrandom is blocked

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  1. Pinned Tweet
  2. *Another* Yahoo hack, released hashed passwords on +1 billion users circa August 2013

  3. After this lawsuit, Google will wait a few extra milliseconds before scanning emails for ad targeting.

  4. This needs to be better understood, especially amongst those demanding absolute proof from the (or any) government.

  5. Belarus blocks Tor: "The objective is to restrict access to internet resources that contain prohibited information.”

  6. Anonymous groups waged a six-month campaign against a Black Lives Matter website

  7. Really remarkable to see an argument like this coming from the right!

  8. "Black Lives Matter has provided the first truly large-scale political mobilization against police violence and mass incarceration."

  9. "White identity politics has been a constitutive fact of the illiberal expansion of state power."

  10. The classic “magic bullet” metaphor

  11. Google just published eight recently declassified National Security Letters

  12. AG Schneiderman’s office says they’re looking into whether Uber violated settlement, based on Reveal story.

  13. Conspiracies are less and less original these days but sometimes you can make new memes that are more than sum of their parts.

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