Sophie Gilbert


Assistant professor , studying wildlife ecology, conservation and management in a changing world

Moscow, Idaho
Joined July 2008


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  1. Pinned Tweet
    3 Feb 2017

    Hi! I'm Sophie. I study how animals respond to environmental change- mostly big mammals like deer, caribou, and bears

  2. 10 hours ago

    I can't stop thinking about firehawks in Australia intentionally starting fires to better forage for prey. These birds know how to BBQ!

  3. Retweeted

    Well color me shocked, SIMPLY SHOCKED at these gender disparities of emotional labor & student attitudes of entitlement to the extra labor of their female profs & their negative reactions when female profs deny their requests. Shocked I say!

  4. 10 hours ago
  5. 15 hours ago


  6. Retweeted
    Jan 4

    Tomorrow is the last day to apply for this!

  7. Retweeted
    Jan 4

    Dynamic occupancy modeling reveals a hierarchy of competition among , gray foxes, and ringtails:

  8. Retweeted
    Jan 4

    Another great article: Amy Dickman et al. explain why we should hold eco-tourism operations under the same scrutiny as trophy hunting ones, using African lions as an example:

  9. Jan 4
  10. Retweeted
    Jan 3
  11. Retweeted
    Jan 3

    Genetic diversity affects the strength of population regulation in a marine

  12. Jan 3

    Working on my materials for our upcoming Spatial Analysis workshop next week... my 2 days are on "Adding ecological complexity to our analyses"....

  13. Retweeted
    Jan 2

    Weirdo turkey vulture scavenging on a deer carcass... That's all

  14. Jan 1

    I am teaching Wildlife Management for our seniors this spring, and want to include indigenous/native approaches and traditions around managing wildlife- resources and ideas? I'm reaching out locally to native folks also...

  15. 31 Dec 2017

    Would decorate my office with this sweet poster in a heartbeat!

  16. Retweeted
    29 Dec 2017
  17. Retweeted

    Tournament Calendar!!!

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  18. Retweeted
    29 Dec 2017

    I definitely ask a lot of you people, I know, but would you taken 2.75 minutes to help me out here?? PLEASE??

  19. Retweeted
    27 Dec 2017

    Finally saw The Last Jedi. Incredibly unimpressed with Chewbacca's irresponsible transportation of invasive species between planets

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  20. Retweeted
    26 Dec 2017

    Hey Alaskans! It’s almost time to file for your 2018 . Consider using pickclickgive to make…

  21. Retweeted
    21 Dec 2017

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